Rescinding Resolution C14 From Costa Rica Conference

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Rescinding Resolution C14 From Costa Rica Conference

62ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 8-12 May 2023

WP No. 167

Rescinding Resolution C14 From Costa Rica Conference

Presented by EVPP



During the conference in Costa Rica committee C adopted resolution C.15 “IFATCA should, within the next five years, conduct scientific research regarding the recommended retirement age for ATCOs and review existing policy accordingly”. IFATCA is not a research institution and our financial and other resources do not allow us to commission such an expensive project.


1.1.  During the conference in Costa Rica committee C was presented with a working paper, agenda item C.6.9 WP160 Review of the aging ATCO policy.

1.2.  The working paper recommended that:

IFATCA should, within the next five years, conduct scientific research regarding the recommended retirement age for ATCOs and review existing policy accordingly.

1.3.  The recommendation was voted on and adopted by committee C and subsequently minuted as resolution C.15 in the Report of the 56th Annual Conference Conchal, Costa Rica 20 -24 May 2019.


2.1.  After the post-conference Executive Board (EB) meeting all the resolutions produced by the committees affecting the EB were documented on the EB Action List.

2.2.  Resolution C.15 IFATCA should, within the next five years, conduct scientific research regarding the recommended retirement age for ATCOs and review existing policy accordingly was one of them.

2.3.  During the year the EB tried to contact various institutions and acquaintances to see if the EB could within the limited budget constraints be able to start a project of this nature.

2.4.  At the EB Meeting in Brussels, it was decided that this project will take too much resources to complete. The following working papers were produced by PLC in the past few years and IFATCA’s viewpoint and policies were derived from them.

  • PLC paper on “Revision and Review on the Ageing ATCO and retirement age for ATCOs policy,” Costa Rica, 2019.
  • PLC paper on “Cognitive Processes in Air Traffic Control,” Las Vegas, 2016.
  • PLC paper on “Ageing air traffic controllers: consequences on job performance,” Las Vegas, 2016.
  • PLC paper on “The ageing controller,” Punta Cana, 2010.

2.5.  The EB feels that the current IFATCA policies and working papers are sufficient to provide the IFATCA view on the retirement age of ATCOs.


3.1.  The EB accepted resolution C.14 on the EB action list and started looking at possibilities to initiate a project to cover this resolution.

3.2.  It was realised that IFATCA does not have the financial and other resources to start a project of this size under the current financial constraints.

3.3.  The EB is of the opinion that the current IFATCA policies and archived working papers are sufficient to indicate the position of IFATCA on the retirement age of ATCOs.


4.1. It is recommended that resolution C.15 in the Report of the 56th Annual Conference Conchal, Costa Rica 20 – 24 May 2019 be rescinded.


5.1.  Report of the 56th Annual Conference Conchal, Costa Rica 20 – 24 May 2019.

5.2.  Report of the 55th Annual Conference Las Vegas, United States of Amerca 14 – 18 March 2016.

5.3.  Report of the 49th Annual Conference Punta Cana, The Dominican Republic 12 – 16 April 2010.

Last Update: September 26, 2023  

September 17, 2023   248   Jean-Francois Lepage    2023    

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