Knowledge Base Tag: WORKING PAPER

  1. VFR Traffic Workload and capacity Study
  2. Review of the IFATCA Training (TRNG) Policy
  3. Policy review of WC10.3.2 Work and Rest Scheme
  4. Policy Review LM 7.5 Unsafe Airspace/Aerodrome
  5. Confusion With Leased Aircraft Markings and Callsigns
  6. Space Based Communication and Surveillance
  7. Policy Review: Terrain and Obstacle Clearance
  8. VFR Flights and Airspace Capacity Model Analyses
  9. TPM Policy Review: Pronunciation of Words and Five Letter Naming Codes
  10. Rescinding Resolution C14 From Costa Rica Conference
  11. Shortage of ATC Personnel
  12. Report of the Joint Cognitive Human Machine System Group (JCHMS)
  13. Remotely Piloted Aircraft System – IFATCA Assumptions
  14. Review of WC 10.2.11 – The Free Flight Concept
  15. Artificial Intelligence Development in ATM and Legal Issues
  16. ATC Staffing Shortages
  17. Operating two Different Air Traffic Control Ratings During the Same Operational Shift
  18. Information Overload in ATC
  19. Policy Review of Simultaneous ATC Training on Adjacent Positions
  20. Dynamic Reconfiguration of the U-Space Airspace (DAR)
  21. Conversion of Military ATCO Licences
  22. ANSP Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  23. Report of the Remote Tower Standing Committee (ROSC)
  24. Navigation – Magnetic vs True
  25. Interactions Between Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Air Traffic Control
  26. High Altitude Operations (HAO)
  27. Artificial Intelligence Development in ATM and Legal Issues
  28. TPM Review – STCA
  29. Review of Policy – ADME 2.14
  30. Relief from Operational Position after an Occurrence
  31. UTM (Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management)
  32. Military to Civilian Licence Conversion
  33. The Use of Aerodrome Control Frequency for Communications of Vehicle Drivers
  34. General Considerations on the Implact of U-Space Dynamic Airspace Reconfiguration on ATS Units
  35. Sectorless ATM
  36. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in ATC
  37. Autoland Communication Between Pilots and Controllers in Good Weather Conditions
  38. Radio Mandatory Zones / Transponder Mandatory Zones
  39. TPM Review – Part IV (General Amendments)
  40. TPM Review – WC
  41. TPM Review – MED
  42. TPM Review – LM
  43. TPM Review – TRNG
  44. TPM Review – SUR
  45. TPM Review – SEP
  46. TPM Review – HELI
  47. TPM Review – COM
  48. TPM Review – ATS (Major Edits)
  49. TPM Review – ATS (Editorials)
  50. TPM Review – ADME
  51. TPM Review – AAS
  52. Report of the ILO Meeting of Experts on Problems Concerning Air Traffic Controllers
  53. Central European Air Traffic Services (CEATS) and the use of Functional Blocks of Airspace (FBA)
  54. IFATCA Training Manual
  55. Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and New Questionnaire
  56. Report on the Information Hand Book (IHB) – 2019
  57. Review of TRNG (ATC Training) – Professional Policy of the TPM
  58. Review of MED (Medical Matters) – Professional Policy of the TPM
  59. Review of WC (Working Conditions) – Professional Policy of the TPM
  60. Review of LM (Legal Matters) – Professional Policy of the TPM
  61. Review of Part IV – Professional Policy of the TPM
  62. TPM Review – Surveillance
  63. TPM Review – Helicopter Operations
  64. TPM Review – ATS (Major Edit)
  65. TPM Review – Reference Table
  66. TPM Review – ATS Editorials
  67. Rescinding Resolution C14 from Costa Rica Conference
  68. The 2004 Cagliari Accident and the European Court of Human Rights Decision
  69. Autoland Communication Between Pilots and Controllers in Good Weather Conditions
  70. RPAS Licensing
  71. Sectorless ATM
  72. Relief from Operational Position after an Occurrence
  73. Conspicuity and ATS Surveillance
  74. Big Data
  75. Interactions Between Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators and Air Traffic Control
  76. Military to Civilian Licence Conversion
  77. ANSP Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  78. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in ATC
  79. Radio Mandatory Zones / Transponder Mandatory Zones
  80. The Use of Aerodrome Control Frequency for Communications of Vehicle Drivers
  81. The Fountain of Wellbeing
  82. Fatigue Risk Management Systems
  83. Study UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System)
  84. IFATCA/ Eurocontrol Prosecutor Expert Course
  85. Update on Commercialisation of Air Traffic Services
  86. Resilience and a New Safety Approach – Do We Have the Right Model to Learn from Past and Future Events?
  87. Surveillance – Study Issues Associated with Incorrect Flight Identification
  88. Aerodrome – Describe the Operational Use of Stop Bars and Produce ICAO Amendment Proposal
  89. Description of What Constitutes Performance
  90. Aerodrome – Review ICAO Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursions
  91. Datalink – Review Policy on Air Ground Datalink
  92. Review Accident and Incident Investigation Policies in view of the “Just Culture” Philosophy
  93. Surveillance Applications Policy – Review Policy on ADS
  94. Safety Management Policy Work Plan
  95. Review of Policy in Regards to TCAS RA Downlink
  96. Performance Targets in Air Traffic Management
  97. Just Culture Revisited – Guidance Material for Member Association
  98. Crisis Management
  99. Concept of GNSS-Based Altitude
  100. Blended Airspace
  101. The Reality of Just Culture – A Roadmap for the Changing Landscape of Just Culture
  102. Human Factors and Technicalities in a Multi-Sector Planner Environment
  103. Review of Policy: Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA)
  104. Flight Planning Impacts on the ATM System
  105. Review of Policy: Resumption of Separation Following a TCAS RA
  106. Distractions at Workplace
  107. The Provision of Surveillance Approach and Aerodrome Control Services as Combined Function
  108. The Operational Role of the OJTI
  109. Responsibility For Terrain And Obstacle Clearance During Weather Avoidance
  110. Fatigue Risk Management Systems
  111. Flight and Flow – Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE)
  112. Protection of Safety Information Sources
  113. Future Aviation Weather Information and Distribution
  114. Implementation TRM in ATC
  115. SWIM Technical and Legal Issues
  116. Human Factors Integration in New ATM Systems
  117. ATM and the Handling of RPAS
  118. Introduction to GNSS Landing Systems
  119. Screen Design Process
  120. Terrain and Obstacle Charting
  121. Emergency Descent Procedures
  122. Communication Between ATS Units
  123. Clarification of Sector Manning Principles
  124. Review of TCAS Policy
  125. ATCOs and Professionalism
  126. ATCO Performance
  127. Terrain and Obstacle Clearance Responsibilities
  128. Sleep Apnea and Obesity
  129. Harmonised Transition Altitude
  130. Written ELP
  131. Study Minimum Fuel
  132. Study Service Priority
  133. Industrial Relations under ILO Conventions
  134. Study Remote Towers Concept
  135. Study Space-Based Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
  136. A Better Understanding of the Linear versus the Systemic Approach to Safety
  137. Study of User Driven Prioritisation Process (UDPP)
  138. Update on English Language Proficiency
  139. Study Civil/Military Cooperation
  140. Relay of Flight Information from Air Traffic Service to Aircraft
  141. Industrial Action in ATC
  142. Review of Single Person Operations Policy and Four Eyes Principle
  143. Electro Magnetic Hyper Sensitivity
  144. Vision for the Human in the Future ATM System
  145. Investigate the Mechanisms for Dealing with a Critical Incident/Accident
  146. Quality Management Systems in ANSPs and the Relation with the SMS
  147. Study Mode S Transponders
  148. Study Communication Failure
  149. Study Recategorization of Aircraft for Wake Turbulence
  150. Protection of Safety Information
  151. ATCOs with Disabilities
  152. Study the Concept of Block Upgrades
  153. Study SID and STAR Naming and Relevant FMS Design
  154. Study Call Sign Confusion
  155. Study Visual Separation on Approach
  156. Study Controlled Time of Arrival Concept
  157. Study Merging and Sequencing Concepts
  158. Determining Operations Readiness of Automated ATM Systems
  159. Study Continuous Climb Operations
  160. Study Transponder Mandatory Zones
  161. ATS – Study Restrictions in the Enroute Environment
  162. Study Hypoxia Warning
  163. Environment – Study Emission Trading
  164. Environment – Study Environment Case
  165. Review Policy on Alpha-Numeric Call Signs
  166. Evaluating Team Resource Management Implementation within ATC and to Define the Practice for IFATCA
  167. Produce Definitions of “Fly-by” and “Fly-over”
  168. Study the Operation of Aircraft Flight Management Systems
  169. Study Air Traffic Flow Management
  170. ATS – Study SID and STAR Design
  171. Aerodrome – Study Runway Status Lights
  172. Review Continuous Descent Operations Manual
  173. Review Policy on Privatization
  174. Review ICAO Manual on Required Communication Performance (RCP)
  175. Investigate Radiotelephony Frequency Management
  176. Study Route Clearances and Associated Requirements
  177. Review IFATCA Technical and Professional Manual on Technical Policy Statements related to Mixed Mode Operations
  178. Investigate Operational Use of Level Restrictions in SIDs, STARs and other Published Routes
  179. The Ageing Controller
  180. Review Provisional Policy on Missed Approach after Visual Approach
  181. Study Eurocontrol Human Factors Case
  182. Review of Retirement Policy
  183. UAS – Study ‘Sense and Avoid’ as a Replacement of ‘See and Avoid’
  184. Review Policy on Mixed Mode Operations
  185. Study Advanced Offset Procedures
  186. IFATCA’s Vision for the Future of Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  187. Review of the Legal Section Relating IFATCA’s Just Culture Policy
  188. Surveillance – Provide an update on ITP
  189. Fatigue Management in Air Traffic Control
  190. Review of ICAO’s Global Performance Manual
  191. Environmental Policy
  192. Surveillance – Investigate the Use of Re-Transmitted Data to Aircraft (ADS-R and TIS-B)
  193. Surveillance – Investigate (Wide Area) Multilateration
  194. Datalink – Review Policy on Downstream Clearances
  195. Surveillance Applications Policy – ASAS
  196. Review Policy on Visual Observation in a Control Tower Environment
  197. Surveillance Applications Policy – Review Policy on Radar Monitoring
  198. Aerodrome – Land and Hold Short Operations
  199. Review Policy on CPDLC
  200. Investigate the Use and Impact of “Electronic Means Complementing Visual Observation in Tower Control” on the ATCO
  201. Study ADS-B Applications – Used in ITP
  202. Investigate the Professional Aspects of the Difference between Intrinsic and Tactical Safety in the Aerodrome Domain
  203. Review of Professional and Legal IFATCA Policy Relating to Unlawful Interference with Particular Regard to Controllers Training
  204. Staff Shortages in Air Traffic Control
  205. Investigate 4D Trajectory Concepts
  206. Review ICAO Manual on Performance Based Navigation
  207. Study Developments Associated with Environmental Issues in ATC
  208. Investigate ADS-B Applications – Single Emergency Code Management
  209. Produce Definitions on Spacing, Separation and Segregation
  210. Spacing, Separation and Segregation – Use in Future ATM Systems
  211. Study Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure
  212. Study Numbering of Aircraft in the Aerodrome Traffic Circuit
  213. Review Policy on Environmental Issues in ATM
  214. Investigate ADS-B Applications – Incorporation in A-SMGCS
  215. Study the ICAO Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursions
  216. Review Policy on ACAS Phraseology
  217. E-learning as a Training Tool
  218. Aerodrome – Categorization of Approach Types
  219. Aerodrome – Review Provisional Policy on Future ATM Concepts for the Provision of Aerodrome Control Service
  220. Aerodrome – Converging Runway Operations
  221. Aerodrome – Review Policy on Provision of ATS at Aerodromes
  222. Review Policy on Hours of Work
  223. Surveillance Applications Policy – Conformance Monitoring
  224. Legal Issues in Paperless or Strip-less Environments
  225. Surveillance Applications Policy – Operational Applications of ADS-B
  226. Surveillance Applications Policy – Applications of Radar Monitoring
  227. List of Relevant ICAO Documents
  228. Review Policy on Training
  229. Review Policy on RTF Communication Failure
  230. English Language Proficiency Requirements
  231. Review Policy on Formation Flights within Controlled Airspace
  232. Review Policy on Use of Unqualified Personnel
  233. Study Operations in a Paper Stripless Environment
  234. Study Reporting of TCAS RAs
  235. Study the Virtual Tower Concept
  236. Operating in Unsafe Airspace
  237. Review the Use of Safety Cases
  238. Remote Control Towers
  239. Investigate Basic / Advanced Continuous Descent Approaches
  240. Review policy on Frequency Blocking
  241. Review Policy on RTF Phraseology (Helicopters)
  242. Investigate Runway Incursions
  243. ASAS-TN2 – Airborne Separation Assistance System Thematic Network 2
  244. Study Land and Hold Short Operations
  245. Review Policy on Interception of Civil Aircraft
  246. Investigate Potential Applications of ADS-B
  247. Investigate Applications of Provision of Area Proximity Warnings
  248. Review Policy on Surveillance
  249. Investigate Navigation and Surveillance Provided by a Single Position Information System
  250. Protection of the Identity of ATM Staff Involved in Serious Incidents / Accidents
  251. Review policy on RTF Frequency Usage
  252. Produce Definition of Short Term Conflict Alert
  253. Single Person Operations – Four Eyes Principle (4EP)
  254. Review Policy on Separation Lateral and Longitudinal
  255. Investigate Route Conformance Monitoring System
  256. Professional and Legal Aspects of Downlinking TCAS RAs (TCAS Resolution Advisories)
  257. Investigate Remote Aerodrome Control Concepts
  258. Investigate Operational use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  259. Investigate interactions between Traffic Collision Avoidance System and Mode S
  260. Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems
  261. Developments in the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) as an Approach Aid
  262. Safety
  263. ATC Collision Avoidance Techniques
  264. Review policy on Surface Guidance Movement and Control Systems
  265. High Frequency Datalink in Support of ATS
  266. Third Party Risk – Legal Aspects
  267. Transgression in Service Providers
  268. Investigate Operational Aspects of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
  269. Review of Provisional Policy – ATM Safety Monitoring Tools (ASMT)
  270. Review of Policy: Single Person Operations in ATC (SPO)
  271. Investigate the Differences Between Dependent and Independent Surveillance in Determining Position Reports
  272. Performance Indicators
  273. Develop Policy on System Defences During Planned System Degradation
  274. Produce a Definition of Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Systems
  275. Study Down Link of Traffic Collision Avoidance System Resolution Advisories
  276. Produce a Definition of Area Proximity Warning System
  277. Produce a Definition of Controller Tools
  278. Produce a Definition of Conflict Detection Tools
  279. Co-operative Separation
  280. Review of Policy on Precision Area Navigation
  281. A Just Culture in Safety Reporting
  282. Review of Policy on Area Navigation
  283. Review of the IFATCA Vision Document
  284. Conflict Detection Tools
  285. Third Party Risk
  286. Study Implementation of 8.33 kHz in Europe and Determine if any Problems Exist at the Europe-Africa Interface
  287. New ICAO Phraseology on Taxi Instructions
  288. Review of Policy on Ground Based Safety Nets
  289. Conditional Clearances
  290. Review policy of ACAS / TCAS
  291. Interactions ATC/ACAS
  292. Monitor the Developments in the Operational use of ASAS
  293. Air Traffic Control Separation Monitoring Tool (ASMT)
  294. Monitoring the Evolution within PRICESG and English for ATCOs
  295. Investigation of the Nomenclature used in the Acronyms CIB & CIC
  296. Monitoring Developments in the FAA
  297. Interpersonal Relation Skills of Assessors
  298. IFATCA Vision Document – Update Human Factors
  299. 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion
  300. Monitoring Institutional Framework in ATM
  301. Study the Legal Aspects of the use of GNSS for Air Navigation
  302. ADS-B Operations
  303. Review of Policy on FANS-1/A
  304. Management of Mixed Mode Operations
  305. Collaborative Decision Making
  306. Review of 8.33 kHz Phraseology
  307. Description of A ‘Multi-Lateration’ Airport Ground System
  308. Environmental Issues in ATM
  309. The Use of Safety Nets in ATM
  310. Apron Management Services Provided by ATCOs
  311. Selection of Assessors
  312. Review Policy on Mode S – Operational Requirements
  313. Language Training for ATCOs
  314. Review of Policy on Surface Movement Radar
  315. Determining And Result Of Inadequate Staffing
  316. Review Issues Regarding ATC Systems Capability to Monitor Relevant Controller Intervention Buffer (CIB) Parameters
  317. The Use of Lateral Offsets
  318. Regulation in Air Traffic Management
  319. 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion
  320. Review of IFATCA Policy Concerning Helicopter Operations
  321. RVSM
  322. Use of Datalink in A Microwave Landing System
  323. RT Phraseology in Civil/Military Integration
  324. Team Resource Management
  325. Technical Aspects of Medium Term Conflict Detection
  326. Aviation Radio Frequency Spectrum Protection
  327. Aircraft Flying with ‘Due Regard’
  328. Review of Policy on Advanced Approach Procedures
  329. Human Factors in Accident and Incident Investigation
  330. ANNEX A – Safety Management Strategy
  331. Single Person Operations in ATC
  332. Review the Issues Concerning Controller Intervention Buffer
  333. Review of Policy on MLS
  334. The Use of Lateral Offsets
  335. Review Method of Updating the Information Handbook
  336. On the Job Training (OJT) & Simulator Duty
  337. Safety Management Systems (SMS)
  338. Review Issues in the Application of Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance System (A-SMGCS) Operations
  339. MLS Operational Procedures
  340. Use of LACKs (Logical Acknowledgements) in CPDLC
  341. Equal Opportunities Legislation
  342. Air Safety Reporting Systems
  343. Legal Liability Aspects of Inadequate Staffing
  344. Team Resource Management
  345. Management/Controller Relationships
  346. Automation and Human Factors
  347. Policy Review on Medication
  348. Policy Review on Validity of Controller Licence
  349. Air Traffic Control Officer Job Description
  350. Mode S – Review of Policy
  351. Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
  352. Continuation Training
  353. Legal Liability of Working with Unserviceable Or Inadequate Equipment
  354. Update of Policy on Legal Liability of the Controller
  355. Availability of Databank
  356. Specific Medical Matters
  357. Privatisation Of The Canadian Air Navigation System
  358. Safety Auditing of Air Traffic Services
  359. Working with Unserviceable or Inadequate Equipment
  360. Monitoring Privatisation/commercialisation in ATC
  361. Air Traffic Control Separation Monitoring Tool (ASMT)
  362. Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and Figures
  363. Review of Human Factor Aspects of Social and Labour Aspects, Hours of Work and Retirement and Pension
  364. Off–Set Tracking in the North Atlantic (NAT)
  365. Transfer of Separation Functions to Pilots – Human Factors Aspects
  366. Review of IFATCA Policy on Legal Liability
  367. Removal of Ground Based Aids
  368. The Use of Non-flight Plannable Levels in the Nat Region for Contingency
  369. Documented Evidence from both IFALPA and IFATCA
  370. Transfer of Control Functions to Pilots (Legal Aspects)
  371. Rating and Endorsement Policy
  372. The Definition of “Direct” in Direct Controller Pilot Communication (DCPC)
  373. Changed Working Conditions Under Privatisation
  374. Performance Indicators in Context
  375. Investigate Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Systems (MSAW)
  376. Report on the Introduction of 8.33 kHz Spacing
  377. The Use of GNSS – ATC
  378. Safety Components in a Separation Minima
  379. Study Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) to Update IFATCA Provisional Policy
  380. The “Free Flight Concept” – Human Factors Considerations
  381. ATC and Public Relations
  382. Guidelines for the Qualification and Training of AFIS Personnel – (Review of ICAO Circular 211 AN/128)
  383. Information Handbook
  384. NATSPG
  385. Critical Incident Stress Management – Guidance Material
  386. Responsibilities and Functions of Aerodrome Controller with regard to Surface Movements – Legal Aspects
  387. Rating for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Control
  388. South Pacific of FANS-1/A Datalink Communications
  389. Review of Existing IFATCA Policies (Legal)
  390. Review of Existing IFATCA Policies (Legal)
  391. Review of Existing IFATCA Policies (Legal)
  392. Review of Existing IFATCA Policies (Legal)
  393. Review of Existing IFATCA Policies (Legal)
  394. Nightshift Policy and Fatigue Management
  395. Weather Deviation Procedure in Asia-Pacific Region
  396. Interference with Air Traffic Control Radiotelephony (RT)
  397. Introduction of RVSM on a Trial Basis in the North Atlantic Region
  398. Short Term Conflict Alert
  399. Review of Technical Policy
  400. Productivity and Performance Indicators
  401. Airborne Separation Assurance
  402. SC7 Central Data Bank of Jurisprudence
  403. Legal Aspects of the Introduction of GNSS
  404. ACAS (TCAS Training for ATCOs)
  405. Update of Accident and Incident Investigation Policy
  406. Use of Unqualified Personnel – Legal Aspects
  407. Downstream Clearance Via Datalink
  408. Notification of Aircraft Equipment on Flight Plans
  409. Responsibilities and Functions of Aerodrome Control with Regard to Surface Movements (Legal Aspects)
  410. Critical Incident Stress Management – Update of IFATCA Policy on Stress
  411. Examine the Interface Between AFIS and ATC
  412. Direct Controller Pilot Communications (DCPC)
  413. Review Provisions of ATS with Particular Reference to Airspace Classification
  414. Free Flight
  415. 8.33 kHz Spacing
  416. Monitoring TIBA
  417. Medical Effects of Night Shifts
  418. RTF Policy to Reduce Workload in the Air and on the Ground
  419. SC7 Central Data Bank of Jurisprudence – a Progress Report
  420. WAAS
  421. Air-Ground Datalink
  422. EATCHIP ATM Procedures Development Sub-Group
  423. ADS-B
  424. Three Main Systems of Flight Level (FL) Determination
  425. Responsibility and Liability of Operating in Delegated Airspace
  426. RNP for Approach and Landing
  427. Display of GNSS Status to ATC
  428. Investigate a Possible Future Air Traffic Management Concept
  429. SICASP/WG2 Meeting
  430. Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways
  431. Use of Unqualified Personnel
  432. Work and Rest Scheme
  433. Update on Datalink Development
  434. Review of IFATCA Existing Policies – Familiarisation Flights for ATCOs
  435. Defining the Terms “Strategic” and “Tactical ” in the Air Traffic Control Context
  436. Aerodrome Radar Control Rating
  437. Female ATCOs and Shift Work
  438. Extra Duty
  439. Development of Further Policy on Radio Failure Procedures
  440. The Development of the Microwave Landing System ( MLS)
  441. Presentation of ADS Data to the Controller
  442. Fusion of ADS and Radar Data
  443. Provision of Services by Third Party Service Providers
  444. The Use of Voice Communications in ADS Operations
  445. The Use of Dependent Surveillance
  446. Supranational Legislation
  447. Mixed and Segregated Modes of ADS Operations
  448. Reduction of Non-radar Separation Standards Using ADS
  449. Monitoring the Use of TCAS
  450. Reducing “Initial Call” Frequency Congestion
  451. Pronunciation of Words And Five Letter Naming Codes
  452. Mental Fitness
  453. A Review of the Policy on the ATM Safety Monitoring Tool
  454. Review of IFATCA Automation Policy
  455. Roles and Responsibilities of the Controller-In-Charge (CIC) in Regard to Liability and Operational Responsibility
  456. The Use of ATS Surveillance Data in the Provision of Non-Surveillance Services
  457. Study Remote/Virtual TWR from the Professional, Procedural and HF View
  458. Educational Issues on Distraction (Guidance Material)
  459. Training for On-the-Job-Training-Instructors (OJTI)
  460. Dynamic and Flexible ATS Route Systems
  461. Digitising Flight Progress Strip Displays
  462. Airport CDM (A-CDM)
  463. Separation in Class E Airspace
  464. Ageing Air Traffic Controllers: Consequences on Job Performance
  465. Revision of Technical and Professional Manual
  466. Cognitive Processes in Air Traffic Control
  467. Space Weather
  468. Commercial Space Operations
  469. From RNAV Visual Approaches to Visual Guided Approaches Supplemented by RNAV
  470. Just Culture
  471. Revision of Advanced Approach Policy
  472. Airspace Design and Procedures Controller Involvement
  473. Relationship Between the ATC Trainee and the Instructor
  474. Moving to a New Facility
  475. Conditional Clearances to Rescue and Firefighting Vehicles
  476. Global Harmonisation of Air Traffic Control Training
  477. Review ATS 3.36 – Recategorization of Aircraft for Wake Turbulence
  478. Incident Reporting Responsibilities throughout the Whole ATM Domain
  479. Low Level RPAS
  480. Rating for ROT
  481. ATCO Duty of Care
  482. Civilian and Military Integration in the Same Workspace
  483. Virtual Centres – Review ATS 3.15 Functional Blocks of Airspace
  484. CISM Programmes Throughout IFATCA Member Associations
  485. Ambient Workplace Recording
  486. Guidelines on Mental Fitness
  487. Complexity of Multiple Delay Absorption Programmes
  488. Cybersecurity
  489. Airframe Based Weather Reporting Systems
  490. Provision of ATS over Foreign Territories
  491. Clearances vs Instructions
  492. Review of the IFATCA Initial Training Manual for Air Traffic Control
  493. Display of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Surveillance Data on Controller Working Position
  494. Incorporating Cybersecurity into Unlawful Interference Policy
  495. HF Considerations when Operating Multiple Operational Positions/Sectors
  496. En-route Wake Turbulence
  497. Duty of Care Principles and Over Servicing
  498. Performance Measurement in ATC
  499. Position Paper on Remotely Operated Towers
  500. Vigilance During OPS Shift
  501. Air Traffic Management for Tiltrotors
  502. Phraseology on Ground Based Safety Nets
  503. SID/STAR Phraseology
  504. State Aircraft and ‘Due Regard’ Operations
  505. Review on Just Culture and IFATCA’s Technical and Professional Manual Update
  506. Competence Assessment
  507. ATCOs and Colour Vision
  508. ARIWS – Autonomous Runway Incursion Warning Systems
  509. Legal Rights of Pregnant ATCOs
  510. Recent Developments in Mode S
  511. Future ATM Systems of the Next Century
  512. Use of the Phrase “Autonomous Airborne Devices”
  513. Responsibilities & Functions of Aerodrome Controllers with Regard to Surface Movement
  514. Review Existing Policy and Develop Further Policy on Simultaneous IFR Operations on Intersecting / Converging Runways
  515. Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) General Issues
  516. TCAS and ACAS Procedures
  517. Investigate the Subject of Computer Virus
  518. ATC and Public Relations
  519. Maintenance of Recency and Competency
  520. Liability in Automated Systems
  521. Remuneration of Air Traffic Controllers
  522. Use of Area Recordings
  523. The Development of MLS Continues
  524. Early Retirement
  525. The Use of GNSS as a Runway Approach Aid
  526. Legal Consequences of Privatisation
  527. Radar Monitoring in the En-route Phase
  528. Defining the Terms “Strategic” and “Tactical” in the ATC Context
  529. Development of Further Policy on Radio Failure Procedures
  530. Monitor the Application and Implementation of RNAV
  531. RNP for Approach and Landing
  532. Report of Visual Approach Procedures
  533. Radar Monitoring Procedures in TMAs
  534. Development of Policy on Mode S
  535. The Application of Air Ground Datalink
  536. Review of ILO Conclusions
  537. Privatisation / Commercialisation
  538. Policy Review AAS 1.8 – 4D Trajectory Concepts / Management
  539. Separation Between Units Without Procedural Agreement
  540. Review of Policy: Non-plannable Level in the NAT-Region
  541. Elements of FRMS Model
  542. Terrain Clearance and Airspace Design
  543. Review Policy on Visual Observation, Aerodrome Control Service Concepts and CCTV
  544. Review Policy on CCTV
  545. Future ATM
  546. Study Go Around Procedures When on Visual Approach
  547. IFATCA’s Vision for the future of Air Traffic Management (ATM)
  548. Review Policy on Stress Management
  549. Forcing Controllers to Work at a Specific Foreign Location
  550. Normal Operations Safety Survey – NOSS
  551. Regulatory Framework in ATM
  552. Cooperative Separation – Transfer of Control Functions to Pilots
  553. Air Traffic Control Separation Monitoring Tool (ASMT)
  554. Review the Issue of ASAS Separation when less than the Relevant ATC Separation, e.g. Radar
  555. Standard Application of Units of Measure in Civil Aviation
  556. Investigate the Use of Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) with Enhanced Surface Movement Guidance Control Systems (SMGCS)
  557. IFATCA’s Role in the Area of Professional and Industrial Issues
  558. Mixing Datalink Equipages in the Same Airspace
  559. Airspace Classification
  560. Development of Mode S as a Surveillance Tool
  561. Amendment to Current Policy on RNAV Procedural Separation Minima
  562. Liability in Automated Systems
  563. Legal Consequences of Privatisation
  564. Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and Unlawful Interference with Civil Aviation and its Facilities
  565. Amendment to ICAO Annex 1 – ATCO Licences
  566. HIV and AIDS in Air Traffic Control
  567. IFATCA Information Handbook
  568. Development of Policy on the Application of Datalink
  569. Reduced Vertical Separation Above FL 290
  570. ATFM Factors Used to Determine Sector Capacity Values
  571. Developments in Air Traffic Flow Management
  572. RNAV Procedural Separation – Longitudinal Distance Standard Minima
  573. RNAV Procedural Separation – Amendment of Current Policy
  574. RNAV – Monitoring its Implementation
  575. ANACNA to Collect and Collate R/F Procedures
  576. IFATCA Information Handbook
  577. Rating of ATFM Staff
  578. Practical Legal Aid Programme
  579. Policy on the Use of Recorded Data
  580. Air Traffic Control Instructor Rating
  581. Stress in Air Traffic Control
  582. Developments in Air Traffic Flow Management
  583. Review of IFATCA Policy
  584. Development of Policy on Formation Flights Within Controlled Airspace
  585. Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft (TIBA)
  586. Misuse of Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft (TIBA)
  587. Staffing of ATFM Units – the Need for Licensed ATCOs to Man These Positions
  588. Automation and the ATCO – Human Factors Consideration
  589. Guidelines on Minimum ATC Service During Industrial Disputes
  590. Substance Abuse in ATC
  591. Compliance with Air Traffic Flow Management Measures
  592. Practical Legal Aid Programme
  593. Reduction in Vertical Separation Above FL290
  594. Definition of Essential and Minimum ATC Service
  595. Radar Recording in ATC Systems – Technical and Professional
  596. Report of the Liaison Officer to Int’l Organisations – Geneva
  597. CRT/VDU Work When Pregnant
  598. Development of Policy on the Method of Identifying Replacement Flight Plans
  599. Licensing of Air Traffic Controllers
  600. Loss of Licence
  601. Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways
  602. IFATCA Information Handbook
  603. Fatigue in ATC
  604. Night Shift Paralysis in Air Traffic Control
  605. Relations between pilot’s final authority and TWR’s responsibilities in conditions of poor or impaired visibility
  606. ATC Aspects of Interception of Civil Aircraft
  607. Surface Movement Guidance Control Systems (SMGCS)
  608. Transition Altitudes
  609. Alpha Numeric Callsigns
  610. Report of Sub-Committee Medical
  611. Development of Guidelines to Determine the Necessity for Air Traffic Control At Aerodromes
  612. Review of Lateral and Longitudinal Separation
  613. Study on Legal Liability when Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems (ACAS) are Implemented
  614. Counselling as a Means of Reducing Stress Among Air Traffic Controllers
  615. Annual Report of Sub-Committee Medical
  616. The Legal Implications of ICAO Contingency Measures
  617. IFATCA Policy on Legal Matters
  618. Intimidation of the Air Traffic Controller
  619. Integration of Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing Flights At Airfields
  620. Review of Lateral and Longitudinal Separation
  621. AFIS (Airfield Information Service)
  622. Study on the Correlation Between Compensation for Loss of Licence, Early Retirement Programme, Medical Checks, Proficiency Checks and Conditions of Employment
  623. Longitudinal Separation Anomalous Interpretations
  624. Helicopter Operations (ATC Aspects)
  625. Safe Use of TCAS/ACAS and the Impact of Mode S Development
  626. Review of Alpha Numeric Callsign Systems
  627. RTF Frequency Jamming
  628. Optimisation of Climb and Descent Profiles and Fuel Economy
  629. Air Traffic Controllers’ Physical Fitness Programme
  630. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the ILO
  631. Helicopter Operations – ATC Aspects
  632. Medical Research on Ocular Diseases
  633. SSR Mode S Improvements in SSR Techniques and ATC Aspects of Air/Ground Data Links
  634. Aptitude Testing for Air Traffic Controllers; Development of Aptitude Tests for ATCOs
  635. Provision of Operational Aeronautical Information
  636. Legal Liability of the Air Traffic Controller
  637. Helicopter Operations (ATC Aspects)
  638. Intimidation of the Controller
  639. The ILO Meeting of Experts on Problems Concerning Air Traffic Controllers
  640. The Proficiency Checking of Air Traffic Controllers
  641. Study of ICAO Training Manual Part D-2 “Air Traffic Controller”
  642. R/T Failure Procedures and Blocking of Frequencies
  643. Study of Selection Procedures for Air Traffic Controllers
  644. Intimidation of the Controller
  645. Draft Convention for the Profession of Air Traffic Controllers
  646. Study of Automation – Controller Training
  647. Examination and Validation Procedures
  648. Simultaneous Use of Two or More R/T Frequencies on ATC Sectors
  649. Ocular Disease and Ocular Fatigue Due to the Working Environment in ATC
  650. Intimidation of the Controller
  651. Consolidation After Validation
  652. The Provision of Training for the OJT Coach
  653. Advanced Training, Assessment, Rating and Checking of ATCOs
  654. Medication and Air Traffic Control
  655. Report on Committee C
  656. Terms of Reference – SC4 Human and Environmental Factors in ATC
  657. Legal Aspects in Air Traffic Control
  658. Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS)
  659. Separation Between Departing and Arriving Aircraft – Cut-off Point (CoP)
  660. Future of CPDLC
  661. Revision and Review on the Ageing ATCO and Retirement Age for ATCOs Policy
  662. Report Writing and ANSP Procedures for Serious Incidents or Accidents
  663. Licensing of ATCOs
  664. Performance-based Endorsements
  665. Review of IFATCA Policy Regarding ATCO Recruitment & Selection
  666. Flight Information Service
  667. Human Factor Considerations on “New Working Methods”
  668. IFATCA RPAS / Unmanned Aircraft Team
  669. Policy Review: Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP)
  670. Operational use of DAPs (Down-link Aircraft Parameters)
  671. Interoperability Between Different Flight Data Exchange Systems
  672. ATFM and A-CDM Implementation in Asia
  673. Review of Radio Frequency Spectrum Protection Policy
  674. Vertical Spacing Between Controlled and Uncontrolled Aircraft at or near Airspace Boundaries
  675. Airport Infrastructure Development
  676. Compatibility in Clearances Issued

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