List of Relevant ICAO Documents

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List of Relevant ICAO Documents

46TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-20 April 2007

WP No. 107

List of Relevant ICAO Documents

Presented by David Guerin, TPSec


1.1  Objective: Technical and Professional Secretary (TPSec) to collect and list all relevant International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Documents, Annexes, Manuals and Circulars, so that they are available to IFATCA Officers. [From technical work items].

1.2  Keeping abreast of the numerous levels of ICAO documents is beneficial to IFATCA in many ways. The most important is to provide our committee members with up to date information to base their research on.

1.3  An examination of these documents can help us decide where best to focus our future relationship with ICAO.


2.1. ICAO Documents and Publications

2.1.1.  Access to ICAO documents is via various means. Some documentation is faxed to the IFATCA Office in Montreal; some is emailed to the Office; some is emailed to various Officers within IFATCA and the majority are posted on the ICAO-NET website under the IFATCA access area. Generally, there is no direct notification to IFATCA that new information has been made available on the website. The exception to this is the new ICAO Electronic Bulletins where an email will be sent by ICAO.

2.1.2.  Most ICAO Documents are available in many languages however I have only focused on the English versions in this paper. ICAO Documentation is split into many levels. The best know are the PANS-ATM or Doc 4444 (there is a similar document for pilot community: PANS-OPS) and the Annexes. The ICAO standards and other provisions are developed in the following levels:

  • Standards and Recommended Practices – collectively referred to as SARPs;
  • Procedures for Air Navigation Services – called PANS;
  • Regional Supplementary Procedures – referred to as SUPPs; and
  • Guidance Material in several formats.

Other documentation is in the form of Circulars, Memorandum, State Letters and Electronic Bulletins, Calendars and various other papers. These include summaries of ICAO meetings; approval of documentation; Supplements to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications; etc.

2.1.3.  The Annual Report to Council (the 2005 edition is Doc 9682) is an expansive document for the session of the Assembly in 2007 and details ICAO’s yearly activities. It is an invaluable reference document.

2.1.4.  Standards and Recommended Practices  A Standard is defined as any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance with the Convention; in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to the Council is compulsory under Article 38 of the Convention.  A Recommended Practice is any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation, and to which Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention. States are invited to inform the Council of non- compliance.  SARPs are formulated in broad terms and restricted to essential requirements. For complex systems such as communications equipment, SARPs material is constructed in two sections: core SARPs – material of a fundamental regulatory nature contained within the main body of the Annexes, and detailed technical specifications placed either in Appendices to Annexes or in manuals.

The annexes with most relevance to IFATCA are:

  • Annex 1 Personnel Licensing
  • Annex 2 Rules of the Air
  • Annex 11 Air Traffic Services
  • Annex 12 Search and Rescue
  • Annex 14 Aerodromes  The differences to SARPS notified by States are published in Supplements to Annexes.

2.1.5.  Procedures for Air Navigation Services

Procedures for Air Navigation Services (or PANS) comprise operating practices and material too detailed for Standards or Recommended Practices – they often amplify the basic principles in the corresponding Standards and Recommended Practices. To qualify for PANS status, the material should be suitable for application on a worldwide basis. The Council invites Contracting States to publish any differences in their Aeronautical Information Publications when knowledge of the differences is important to the safety of air navigation.

2.1.6.  Regional Supplementary Procedures

Regional Supplementary Procedures (or SUPPs) have application in the respective ICAO regions. Although the material in Regional Supplementary Procedures is similar to that in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services, SUPPs do not have the worldwide applicability of PANS.

2.1.7.  Guidance Material

Guidance Material is produced to supplement the SARPs and PANS and to facilitate their implementation. Guidance material is issued as Attachments to Annexes or in separate documents such manuals, circulars and lists of designators/addresses. Usually it is approved at the same time as the related SARPS are adopted.

2.1.8.  Manuals

Manuals provide information to supplement and/or amplify the Standards and Recommended Practices and Procedures for Air Navigation Services. They are specifically designed to facilitate implementation and are amended periodically to ensure their contents reflect current practices and procedures.

2.1.9.  Circulars

Circulars make available specialized information of interest to Contracting States. Unlike manuals, circulars are not normally updated.

2.1.10.  State Letters and Electronic Bulletins

State Letters and Electronic Bulletins are distributed by ICAO to announce the dissemination and exchange of information with Contracting States and International Organizations. State Letters require a reply from the recipient whereas Electronic Bulletins merely supply information and do not require action. State Letters and Electronic Bulletins relevant to IFATCA are added to the ICAO-NET as a new menu item and for the latter an e-mail message is sent to the designated focal point within the Federation. IFATCA doesn’t have access to Confidential State Letters.

2.1.11.  Memoranda and other Reports

Memorandums provide updates to ICAO Member States and Observers and are either from the President of the Council or the Secretary General.

2.2. ICAO Amendment and document change processes

2.2.1. The ICAO Website (‘about ICAO’) explains: Forms of Standards and Recommended Practices, the Origin of Proposals, Development and Review of Draft of SARPs; the Adoption, Publication of Annex Amendments; Approval/Publication of other Annex Material and Procedures Implementation of SARPs/Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme. This source should be referred to for exacting detail of how the ICAO SARPS, Annexes and other documents are proposed, produced and amended. This is a very important process to understand. ICAO documents change through ‘new editions’; or either ‘amendments’; or ‘reprints’ to existing documents. I had hoped to finalise an Information Paper detailing the workings of ICAO for this conference, however will prepare one for Conference 2008 if it is deemed necessary.

2.3. Present documentation processes

2.3.1.  TPSec, with the assistance of the IFATCA Weekly Email News (IWEN) Team of Joy Bhattacharya and Sudhanshu Gupta of the Air Traffic Controllers’ Guild (India), regularly check the ICAO-NET website for the following: updated meeting dates and invites; Memoranda of the Secretary General (this contains ANC meeting schedules); Memoranda from the President of the Council (this contains information relevant to IFATCA – examples are: tentative meeting schedules for the year, notices of adoption of annexes, advance notices of schedule for annex amendments, etc.); State Letters and Electronic Bulletins; Supplements to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications; and new or updated Manuals. Working papers to the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) are also published on the website and these are occasionally pertinent to IFATCA.

2.3.2.  ICAO State Letters (SLEDs – also includes Regional State Letters) and Electronic Bulletins are distributed via various methods to all member states and observers. The way the Federation receives SLEDs is either via fax to the Office or when they are posted in our section of the ICAO-NET website. Only SLEDs relevant to IFATCA are placed here. There is no formal notification of the inclusion of a SLED on the website. We have password access to only one of the regional websites for ICAO Regional State Letters.

2.3.3.  All of this information is firstly distributed to the EB (notifying who is responsible to reply to ICAO) and secondly distributed throughout the Federation via the IWEN. A Register of State Letters (including actions due and those completed) and Electronic Bulletins is updated and included in the IWEN.

2.4. Present Policy relating to ICAO (from IFATCA Manual 2006 edition)

2.4.1.  From page 2826. Composition of, and terms of reference for, Standing Committees:

“Technical and Operations Committee” (SC1)

“To re-write and update IFATCA policy in the form of amendments to the relevant ICAO publications.”


2.4.2.  From page 2881. Relations with international organisations:

“Liaison with ICAO

The Federation places considerable importance on its relationship with the International Civil Aviation Organisation, and for this purpose shall appoint a Liaison Officer to ICAO in Montreal who will operate under the joint direction of the Executive Vice-President Professional and the Executive Vice-President Technical.”


2.5. ICAO Documents and IFATCA

2.5.1. It is important for our representatives to be familiar with how ICAO operates and what it expects from us as on organisation, as well as our Panel representatives. The following ICAO documents amplify ICAO’s functioning:

  • Directives for Panels of the Air Navigation Commission Doc7984/4 (fourth edition Dec1980);
  • Supplement to the Directives for Panels of the Air Navigation Commission – Doc 7984 Includes:
    • Aide memoires for Chairmen of panel meetings for the conduct of panel meetings,
    • Guidelines on format and content of panel reports,
      Guidelines for the preparation of panel working papers.

2.5.2. ICAO sells CD-ROMs which are restricted to particular areas within aviation. The one relevant to IFATCA is the Air Traffic Management Edition which contains the following complete documents:

  • Convention on International Civil Aviation:
    • Doc 7300 Convention on International Civil Aviation, Signed at Chicago, 7 December 1944.
  • Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation:
    • Annex 2 Rules of the Air;
    • Annex 11 Air Traffic Services;
    • Annex 12 Search and Rescue.
  • Documents:
    • Doc 4444 Air Traffic Management;
    • Doc 9377 Manual on Coordination Between Air Traffic Services, Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Meteorological Services;
    • Doc 9426 Air Traffic Services Planning Manual:
      • Part I – Planning Factors;
      • Part II – Methods of Application Employed by Air Traffic Services;
      • Part III – Facilities Required by ATS;
      • Part IV – ATS Organization, Administration and Facility Management 􏰀 Part V – Terms and References.
    • Doc 9433 Manual Concerning Interception of Civil Aircraft;
    • Doc 9554 Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities; Potentially Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations;
    • Doc 9574 Manual on Implementation of a 300 m (1 000 ft) Vertical Separation Minimum Between FL 290 and FL 410 Inclusive;
    • Doc 9613 Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP);
    • Doc 9689 Manual on Airspace Planning Methodology for the Determination of Separation Minima;
    • Doc 9694 Manual on Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications;
    • Doc 9731 IAMSAR Manual – International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual:
      • Volume I – Organization and Management 􏰀 Volume II – Mission Co-ordination;
      • Volume III – Mobile Facilities.
    • Doc 9750 Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems;
    • Doc 9828 Eleventh Air Navigation Conference – Report. Montréal, 22 September – 3 October 2003;
    • Doc 9854 Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept.

2.5.3.  Every year, ICAO issues a complete ‘Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio Visual Training Aids information’ document which lists the detail of all regular documents. This Catalogue is published in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish editions by authority of the Secretary General of ICAO. It contains the titles and prices of all ICAO saleable publications and audio-visual training aids, available as of 1 January 2006. Most ICAO publications are issued in English, French, Russian and Spanish; Arabic and Chinese are being introduced on a gradual basis. This catalogue is updated by a monthly ‘Supplement” detailing what documents have been introduced, amended, superseded or deleted during the month.

2.5.4.  Also relevant to IFATCA is the ‘Status of ICAO Technical Publications’ which is updated regularly. This includes the current status and future proposed amendments to ICAO’s Annexes to the Convention; Procedures for Air Navigation Services; and its Technical Manuals. It also highlights documents that have been amended or updated recently. I have used this to create Appendix B to this paper.

2.5.5.  Every year in February, the President of the Council releases a Memorandum detailing the Advance information on amendments to Annexes scheduled. The President of the Council also prepares an annual Memorandum outlining the Current status of manuals. Eight Annexes or their parts were amended during 2006. The amount of work and number of states and organisations involved in each amendment is enormous.

2.5.6.  Manuals are now becoming more common and IFATCA has been unable to keep up with the numerous new manuals produced. This is a problem affecting other organisations as well. For example, IFALPA has begun the mammoth task of directing various representatives to review new Manuals and compare them with their own Policy or raise areas where new Policy is desirable. ICAO welcomes input to draft manuals as well as during the amendment process but it rarely allows for changes after this process has already occurred.

2.5.7.  Excluding Doc 4444 and the Annexes, there are around fifty Manuals and Circulars of some interest to IFATCA. Of these, perhaps a third is quite relevant. Seven are in preparation (DRAFT) while perhaps six were new in 2006. The Appendixes detail which documents may have relevance to IFATCA. Federation Representatives have been proactive through various ICAO forum, in the production of some of these documents however the majority of documents have not been considered for there importance to the Federations and its Policy Statements.

2.6. How can IFATCA improve our process of addressing ICAO documents

2.6.1.  A report on ICAO documents should be provided to the Annual IFATCA Conference. When ICAO issues new documents or amendments during the year these should be notified throughout IFATCA via the IWEN.

2.6.2.  Reference to relevant ICAO Documents should be stored in the IFATCA Library for research purposes. An update could be provided to members of the Technical and Operational Committee TOC and the Professional and Legal Committee PLC at Annual Conference.

2.6.3.  We should continue to be distributed State Letters and Electronic Bulletins, Circulars and Memorandum via the IWEN.

2.6.4.  IFATCA needs to evaluate which ICAO documents need our attention and then review these documents. This review could examine those relevant ICAO Document to compare them with IFATCA Policy as well as highlighting areas where IFATCA may need future policy. The publication of subsequent editions or new documents by ICAO should also be reviewed for relevance. This process could detail which areas in ICAO that IFATCA should focus its future energies.

2.6.5.  IFATCA Committee members have generally accepted that we only require policy when our viewpoint differs from that of ICAO or else ICAO hasn’t formulated its own SARPS yet. This is mentioned briefly in the IFATCA Manual under TOC Terms of Reference (TORs) (“To re-write and update IFATCA policy in the form of amendments to the relevant ICAO publications.”) and was referred to originally in a 1996 working paper on the Technical Secretary; however it doesn’t appear anywhere else in our Manuals. Perhaps this should be quantified as a Policy. To update the TORs for PLC and TOC to quantify this viewpoint would be a possible solution. This could detail that if ICAO releases SARPs and these agree with our Policy Statements then we can remove these POLSTATS from our Manuals. However if ICAO haven’t yet introduced SARPs on a subject of interest to the Federations or the Federation disagrees with ICAO SARPS then we need to create POLSTATS.

2.7. Appendix A provides a list of ICAO Documents and annexes that could be considered for review. This lists the document title and number; a brief description of its content; the present edition or amendment number and year of release and expected future editions. Appendix B provides a table of the ICAO documents. These appendices only include documents that have possible relevance to IFATCA.


3.1.  A report on ICAO documents should be provided to Conference and TOC/PLC each year. ICAO documents or amendments should continue to be notified throughout IFATCA via the IWEN and reference to them stored in the IFATCA Library.

3.2.  IFATCA needs to evaluate which ICAO documents need our attention and then review these documents. This review could examine those relevant ICAO Document to compare them with IFATCA Policy as well as highlighting areas where IFATCA may need future policy. The publication of subsequent editions or new documents by ICAO should also be reviewed for relevance. This process could detail which areas in ICAO that IFATCA should focus its future energies.

3.3.  IFATCA Committee members have generally accepted that we only require policy when our viewpoint differs from that of ICAO or else ICAO hasn’t formulated its own SARPS yet. This is mentioned briefly in the IFATCA Manual under TOC TORs (“To re-write and update IFATCA policy in the form of amendments to the relevant ICAO publications.”) and was referred to originally in a 1996 working paper on the Technical Secretary; however it doesn’t appear anywhere else in our Manuals. Perhaps this should be quantified as a Policy. To update the TORs for PLC and TOC to quantify this viewpoint would be a possible solution. This could detail that if ICAO releases SARPs and these agree with our Policy Statements then we can remove these POLSTATS from our Manuals. However if ICAO haven’t yet introduced SARPs on a subject of interest to the Federations or the Federation disagrees with ICAO SARPS then we need to create POLSTATS.

3.4.  Appendix A provides a list of ICAO Documents and annexes that could be considered for review. Appendix B provides a table of the ICAO documents. These appendices only include documents that have possible relevance to IFATCA.


It is recommended that;

4.1. This paper is accepted as information material.



Council reports 2001.

Strategic Objectives of ICAO for 2005-2010.

Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids 2006.

ICAO Technical Publications.

Emails from Mr Chris Dalton, ICAO ATM Section of ANB.

ICAO-NET website.

ICAO-INT website.

President of the Council Work Paper: Current status of manuals in the Air Navigation Bureau Secretariat.

ANC work paper: Development of SARPS and Guidance Material related to CNS/ATM Systems.


Manual 2006.

A55 May 2006.


APPENDIX A – Details of ICAO documents and Annexes

(For a complete list refer to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications or the ICAO Technical Publications list.)

Air Traffic Services Planning Manual (Doc 9426)

This manual consists of guidance material previously contained in Annex 11 and the PANS- ATM, and, consequently, supplements the provisions governing ATS as specified in these documents as well as in Annex 2. The manual not only contains information which can, or should, be taken into account in the formulation of development programmes within State or regions, but also material which can, or should, be applied directly to the planning and operation of the ATS system.

1st edition (provisional), 1984.

Reprinted February 2006, incorporating Amendments 1–4. 458 pp.

Manual of Radiotelephony (Doc 9432)

This document contains numerous examples of radiotelephony phraseology in common use. The objective is to ensure a high standard of aeronautical radiotelephony which will contribute to safety.

3rd edition, 2006. 106 pp.

Manual concerning Interception of Civil Aircraft (Doc 9433)

This document consolidates all of the ICAO provisions and special recommendations relevant to the subject of interception of civil aircraft. This is expected to assist in understanding of, and providing a ready reference on, the subject which should facilitate the implementation and application of the various provisions and special recommendations.

2nd edition, 1990.

Reprinted February 1999. 66 pp.

Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities Potentially Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations (Doc 9554)

This document provides guidance material which is meant to assist States in providing for the safe and orderly flow of international air traffic in the event that military activities, which constitute potential hazards to civil aircraft, are planned and conducted. The overall objective of the guidance material contained in the document is to promote effective coordination so that such activities may be accommodated within agreed airspace and so that hazardous activities are not conducted over the high seas without prior consultation.

1st edition, 1990.

Reprinted September 2002. 20 pp.

Manual on Implementation of a 300 m (1 000 ft) Vertical Separation Minimum Between FL 290 and FL 410 Inclusive (Doc 9574)

The material in this document provides regional planning groups with a basis for the development of documents, procedures and programmes to enable the introduction of a 300 m (1 000 ft) vertical separation minimum (VSM) above flight level (FL) 290 within their particular regions in accordance with the criteria and requirements developed by ICAO. It also provides guidance to State aviation authorities on those measures necessary to ensure that the criteria and requirements are met within their area of responsibility as well as background information for operators to assist in the development of operating manuals and flight crew procedures. It is also a basic reference document from which the minimum aircraft system performance specifications for operations in 300 m (1 000 ft) VSM airspace above FL 290 can be developed.

2nd edition, 2002. 45 pp.

Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) (Doc 9613)

The purpose of this manual is to explain the concept and provisions of required navigation performance (RNP), identify how RNP affects the systems providers and system users, and provide regional planning groups with a basis for the development of documents, procedures and programmes to introduce RNP into the airspace.

2nd edition, 1999. 45 pp. A Manual of PBN is being considered.

Manual of Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications (Doc 9694)

This manual provides guidance on a number of air traffic services (ATS) data link applications including automatic dependent surveillance (ADS), controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC), the provision, via data link, of data link flight information services (DFIS) as well as material pertaining to data link initiation capability (DLIC) and ATS interfacility data communication (AIDC). This guidance material is considered part of the evolutionary process of the development and implementation of data link-related technology in support of global harmonization and standardization of data link-based air traffic control systems.

1st edition, 1999. 251 pp.

Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (Doc 9750)

This two-part document defines and illustrates ICAO’s process for achieving a global ATM system. Part I contains guidance material on technical, economic, organizational, legal, environmental and technical cooperation issues. Part II provides a planning process and associated strategies for States and planning and implementation regional groups (PIRGs) to follow in order to provide near-, medium- and long-term operational improvements to the air navigation system. This will lead to development of an ATM infrastructure necessary to support the implementation of a global ATM system.

2nd edition, 2002. 216 pp.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual (Doc 9830)

This manual provides an overview of the A-SMGCS operational requirements in order to facilitate implementation of various functions in a modular form depending on specific local aerodrome circumstances. Chapters 1 and 2 contain an introduction and an operational concept for A-SMGCS. Chapters 3 to 5 contain performance requirements and guidance on the application of the operational and performance requirements, while the appendices contain operational requirements, A-SMGCS categorization, implementation levels, equipment evolution, target level of safety and A-SMGCS system research.

1st edition, 2004. 90 pp.

Manual on the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Systems (Doc 9684)

This document provides guidance material on characteristics of the ground stations and airborne transponders of SSR systems which are defined in the Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 10, Volume IV. It also describes the contribution of SSR as a major system for surveillance purposes in most air traffic control (ATC) systems and the data link capability of the Mode S component to be utilized as part of the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN).

3rd edition, 2004. 264 pp.

Manual on Mode S Specific Services (Doc 9688)

This document describes applications of the SSR Mode S system defined in Annex 10, Volume IV, which are known as Mode S specific services. The document defines data formats for application using Mode S specific services that can be accessed by a separate dedicated interface to the Mode S air-ground data link (subnetwork).

2nd edition, 2004. 40 pp.

Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) (Doc 9705)

This CD-ROM contains the third edition of the Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN). The material contained in this CD-ROM supplements Standards and Recommended Practices for the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN) contained in Annex 10 — Aeronautical Telecommunications, Volume III — Communication Systems, Part I, Digital Data Communication Systems. Comprehensive Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) Manual. (Doc 9739) This document contains guidance material on various technical aspects and functions of the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN). The material aims to facilitate the understanding of detailed technical provisions that are contained in the Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) (Doc 9705-CD), and thus to assist in the planning and implementation of the ATN.

1st edition, 2000.

Reprinted May 2001. 762 pp.

Manual on HF Data Link (Doc 9741)

This document provides guidance material on the implementation and use of the high frequency data link (HFDL) which is defined in the Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 10, Volume III. The guidance material covers several areas within the HFDL system, including airborne avionics, the propagation media and the terrestrial components.

1st edition, 2000. 136 pp.

Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2 (Doc 9776)

This document contains the detailed technical specifications for VDL Mode 2. These specifications need to be considered in conjunction with the Standards and Recommended Practices for VDL Mode 2. This document also includes guidance in the implementation of VDL Mode 2. VDL Mode 2 provides an air/ground data link which is compatible with the aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN).

1st edition, 2001. 132 pp.

Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Ground-Ground Voice Switching and Signalling (Doc 9804)

This document provides technical guidance, specifications and reference material to assist in the engineering of the ground voice communications facilities specified in Annex 10. It provides recommendations and technical guidance for administrations wishing to migrate their international ATS communications to make use of switched digital networking relating to international ATS communications.

1st edition, 2002. 44 pp.

Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 3 (Doc 9805)

This manual contains guidance material for the Very High Frequency (VHF) Digital Link (VDL) Mode 3 integrated air-ground voice and data link system and provides implementation-related information. It includes material related to system description, concept of operations, and the characterization of the overall system performance.

1st edition, 2002. 310 pp.

Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 (Doc 9816)

This manual contains a comprehensive description for the Very High Frequency (VHF) Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4, notably the capabilities, technical characteristics, and modes of operation of VDL Mode 4. It complements the Standards and Recommended Practices for VDL Mode 4 as contained in Annex 10.

1st edition, 2004. 406 pp.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Manual (Doc 9849)

The primary purpose of this manual is to provide information on the implementation aspects of GNSS in order to assist States in the introduction of GNSS operations. It provides a general overview of GNSS-based operations, a GNSS system description and guidance on providing GNSS-based services and includes future prospects for the evolution of GNSS. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the relevant provisions in Annex 10, Volume I.

1st edition, 2005. 76 pp.

Guidelines on the Use of the Public Internet for Aeronautical Applications (Doc 9855)

This manual provides guidelines on the use of the public Internet for non-time-critical aeronautical applications. The guidelines are high-level and generic and are based on the currently available commercial products and solutions for the purpose of assuring the integrity of messages/data. The manual places a degree of emphasis on the approval/accreditation (by a State) of entities that provide aeronautical information over the Internet.

1st edition, 2005. 46 pp.

Manual of All-Weather Operations (Doc 9365)

This manual provides a total system concept for a State wishing to progress in the systematic development of all-weather operations both in regard to its role as State of the Operator and that of State of the Aerodrome. It is also intended to be useful to aerodrome and facility planners and others in fostering an understanding of the methodology used by operators in establishing their aerodrome operating minima.

2nd edition, 1991.

Reprinted August 2000. 68 pp.

Human Factors Guidelines for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems (Doc 9758)

This manual provides practical guidance to ICAO panels and study groups when developing CNS/ATM-related Standards and Recommended Practices. It also assists States in the consideration of Human Factors issues when purchasing and implementing CNS/ATM-related technology. Furthermore, this manual is a means of complying with Recommendations 6/11 (Timely consideration of Human Factors issues) and 6/12 (Human Factors regulations) of the Report of the Worldwide CNS/ATM Systems Implementation Conference (Doc 9719).

1st edition, 2000. 135 pp.

Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements (Doc 9835)

This manual provides guidance on the implementation of the ICAO language proficiency Standards for flight crew and air traffic controllers. It contains comprehensive information on a range of aspects related to language proficiency and training that will assist Contracting States, operators and air traffic services providers in implementing efficient language training and testing. It also contains information that will help the language training and testing industry in providing services that are relevant to the civil aviation context.

1st edition, 2004. 158 pp.

Manual on Prevention of Problematic Use of Substances in the Aviation Workplace (Doc 9654)

The global spread of psychoactive substances, their general availability and the ever-increasing number of addicted users are becoming a growing threat to aviation safety in many States. This document was developed to provide States with a tool for decision-makers to use when deciding on the best policy for their States and for State licensing authorities when planning national strategies; at the same time, airlines and other employers can use this document to implement, on a practical level, established policies and strategies in a cost-effective way, with due regard for both aviation safety and the welfare of their employees. The manual is organized into five chapters: introduction; education of the aviation workforce; identification, treatment and rehabilitation; employment consequences of problematic substance use; and biochemical test programmes.

1st edition, 1995. 100 pp.

Safety Oversight Manual (Doc 9734)

This manual provides guidance on the establishment and management of a State’s safety oversight system and explains the critical items for safety oversight.

Part A — The Establishment and Management of a State’s Safety Oversight System. 2nd edition, 2006. 52 pp.

Part B — The Establishment and Management of a Regional Safety Oversight System. This manual provides guidance on the establishment and management of a regional safety oversight organization (RSOO) and outlines the duties and responsibilities of ICAO Contracting States, individually and/or collectively, with respect to the establishment and management of a regional safety oversight system.

1st edition, 2006. 62 pp.

Safety Oversight Audit Manual (Doc 9735)

This manual is published to provide ICAO auditors and Contracting States with guidance and information on standard auditing procedures for the conduct of ICAO Safety Oversight audits.

2nd edition, 2006. 86 pp.

Manual on Low-level Wind Shear (Doc 9817)

This manual provides guidance on the application of the provisions related to wind shear detection, reporting and warnings given in Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. It also contains information on recent technical developments and research, including advances in the development of equipment to detect and warn of wind shear, both ground-based and airborne. The manual is intended to assist States in implementing efficient wind shear warning systems.

1st edition, 2005. 222 pp.

Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice (Doc 8896)

This manual aims at meeting the needs of aeronautical meteorologists, particularly those at the working level, as well as the needs of pilots and other aeronautical personnel for guidance on practices to be used in the provision of meteorological service to air navigation. The body of the manual is based primarily on the content of Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation and it contains detailed guidance on meteorological reports and forecasts. The appendices address specific issues such as location of instruments at aerodromes, and guidelines for authorized access to AFS satellite distribution systems broadcasting WAFS forecasts and OPMET data.

7th edition, 2006. 162 pp.

Manual of Runway Visual Range Observing and Reporting Practices (Doc 9328)

This manual provides guidance on the application of the provisions on RVR given in Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation to the operational environment. It also contains information on recent technical developments and research. The manual is intended to assist States in setting up efficient RVR systems or, where such systems exist, in updating and standardizing them.

3rd edition, 2005. 118 pp.

Report of the 11th Conference (Doc 9828) Montreal, 22 September–3 October 2003.

2004. 222 pp.

Manual on Coordination between Air Traffic Services, Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Meteorological Services (Doc 9377)

The aim of this manual is to make available to States information and guidance — based on practical experience — concerning ways and means of improving the coordination between area control centres/flight information centres(ACCs/FICs) and their associated meteorological watch offices (MWOs). It also contains information on relevant modern methods employed by States, in particular in respect of the provision to air traffic services (ATS) units, of weather radar data and of meteorological information required by flights below flight level 100. In addition, the manual provides information on coordination between search and rescue units and meteorological offices.

2nd edition, 2001. 110 pp.

Manual on Airspace Planning Methodology for the Determination of Separation Minima (Doc 9689)

This document is intended for use by airspace planners as a basis for changing separation minima. Its primary objective is to guide airspace planners, ICAO Regional Offices and the regional planning groups and to assist them with implementation of CNS/ATM systems, particularly in relation to airspace planning, implementation of the required navigation performance (RNP) concept and area navigation (RNAV) techniques. The methodology presented in this manual provides a framework by which airspace characteristics, aircraft capability and traffic demand can be assessed for the purpose of determining safe separation minima for en-route operations. The methodology has been designed to ensure that the intended safety level for a proposed airspace meets the required standard.

1st edition, 1998. 119 pp.

International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual (Doc 9731)

The three volumes of this document provide guidelines for a common aviation and maritime approach to organizing and providing search and rescue (SAR) services.

Volume I — Organization and Management

Volume I of Doc 9731 discusses the global SAR system concept, establishment and improvement of national and regional SAR systems, and cooperation with neighbouring States to provide effective and economical SAR services.
Incorporating 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 amendments.

2006. 98 pp.

Volume II — Mission Co-ordination

Volume II of Doc 9731 assists personnel who plan and coordinate SAR operations and exercises. Incorporating 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 amendments.

2006. 434 pp.

Volume III — Mobile Facilities

Volume III of Doc 9731 is intended to be carried aboard rescue units, aircraft and vessels to help with the performance of a search, rescue or on-scene coordinator function and with aspects of search and rescue that pertain to their own State’s emergencies. Incorporating 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 amendments.

2006. 192 pp.

Manual on Air Traffic Forecasting (Doc 8991)

This manual is addressed to civil aviation administration personnel, airline planners, planners of airports and air navigation systems and others actively engaged in practical forecasting work. It provides a survey of techniques currently used for air traffic forecasting and practical guidance on the application of these techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of the techniques as well as the criteria for selection of a particular technique for the forecast concerned are discussed.

3rd edition, 2006. 98 pp.

Training Manual (Doc 7192)

ICAO has issued guidance material in the form of Training Manuals to assist States in the implementation and uniform application of the Standards and Recommended Practices for the licensing of personnel as specified in Annex 1. The Training Manual is issued in several parts dealing with specific aspects of training for various categories of personnel.

Part F-1 — Meteorology for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots. This part of the Training Manual presents an updated curriculum on meteorology training for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots.

1st edition, 2002. 36 pp.

Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) (Doc 9643)

This manual contains guidance material that is complementary to the Standards and Recommended Practices in Annex 14 and the procedures in the PANS-ATM. It describes in greater detail how simultaneous operations on closely spaced parallel or near-parallel instrument runways can be implemented when the distance between the runway centre lines is 1 035 m (3 400 ft) or more.

1st edition, 2004. 40 pp.

Aerodrome Design Manual (Doc 9157)

Part 1.— Runways

Part 1 provides guidance on the geometric design of runways and the aerodrome elements normally associated with runways. It discusses runway configuration, runway length, aeroplane performance parameters affecting runway length, and planning to accommodate future aircraft.

3rd edition, 2006. 82 pp.

Part 2.— Taxiways, Aprons and Holding Bays

Part 2 contains material on the general layout and description of the design criteria for taxiway physical characteristics, including taxiway fillets, shoulders and strips, as well as typical apron layouts and their design requirements. Holding bays, dual or multiple taxiways and the advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. In addition guidance is given on taxiway fillet design and planning for future aircraft.

4th edition, 2005. 160 pp.

Part 3.— Pavements

Part 3 provides guidance on the design of pavements including their evaluation and reporting of their bearing strength as well as detailed information concerning overload operations. Background information on the ACN/PCN method of reporting pavement bearing strength is also provided. Practices of some Contracting States have also been included.

2nd edition, 1983.

Reprinted June 2003, incorporating Amendments 1 and 2. 354 pp.

Part 4.— Visual Aids

Proper design and installation of visual aids are prerequisites for the safety of airport operations. Part 4 provides information on the characteristics of visual aids used at airports. Some of the topics covered are: functional requirements of visual ground aids; surface marking and markers; approach lighting systems; light characteristics for precision approach runways and taxiways; runway lead-in lighting systems; runway and taxiway lighting; surface movement guidance and control systems; taxiing guidance signs and obstacle lighting.

4th edition, 2004. 210 pp.

Part 5.— Electrical Systems

Part 5 discusses the general features of electrical practices and installations and also addresses those features which are of special significance for aerodrome installations. It is assumed the readers of the manual will be familiar with electrical circuits and design concepts, but may not be familiar with certain features of aerodrome installations which are less frequently encountered in other installations.

1st edition, 1983.

Reprinted June 2003. 96 pp.

Part 6. — Frangibility

At airports, various visual and non-visual aids are located near runways, taxiways and aprons where they may present a hazard to aircraft in the event of accidental impact during landing, take- off or ground manoeuvring. All such equipment and their supports shall be frangible and mounted as low as possible to ensure that impact will not result in loss of control of the aircraft. This manual provides guidance on the design, testing and installation of frangible structures at airports and heliports. Much of the material is closely associated with the specifications on frangibility of visual and non-visual aids contained in Annex 14 — Aerodromes, Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations and Volume II — Heliports.

1st edition, 2006. 64 pp.

Manual on Laser Emitters and Flight Safety (Doc 9815)

This manual supports the laser-related SARPs in Annexes 11 and 14. It focuses on the medical, physiological and psychological effects on flight crew of exposure to laser emissions. The information and guidance material provided in this manual are primarily directed to decision- makers at government level, laser operators, air traffic control officers, aircrew, aviation medicine consultants to and medical officers of the regulatory authorities, and doctors involved in clinical aviation medicine, occupational health and preventive medicine. The manual is aimed both at reducing the need for regulatory authorities to seek individual expert advice and at reducing inconsistencies between Contracting States in the implementation of national regulations.

1st edition, 2003. 82 pp.


Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing

10th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–167. July 2006. 88 pp.

Annex 2 — Rules of the Air

The rules in Annex 2 consist of general rules, visual flight rules and instrument flight rules and apply without exception over the high seas and over national territories to the extent that they do not conflict with the rules of the State being overflown.

10th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–38.

July 2005. 70 pp.

Amendment 39 (applicable 23/11/06).

Annex 10 — Aeronautical Telecommunications

The five volumes of this document contain Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and guidance material on aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance systems.

Volume I (Radio Navigation Aids)

Volume I of Annex 10 contains Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material for the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), navigation aids such as instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS), VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR), non- directional radio beacon (NDB) and distance measuring equipment (DME).

6th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–81. July 2006. 570 pp.

Volume II — Communication Procedures including those with PANS status

Volume II of Annex 10 contains general, administrative and operational procedures pertaining to aeronautical fixed and mobile communications.

6th edition, incorporating Amendments 44–76. July 2001. 91 pp.

Amendment 78 (applicable 27/11/03).

Amendment 79 (applicable 25/11/04).

Amendment 80 (applicable 24/11/05).

Amendment 81 (applicable 23/11/06).

Volume III (Part I — Digital Data Communication Systems; Part II — Voice Communication Systems)

Volume III of Annex 10 contains Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material for various air-ground and ground-ground voice and data communication systems, including aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN), aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS), secondary surveillance radar (SSR) Mode S air-ground data link, very high frequency (VHF) air- ground digital link (VDL), aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN), aircraft addressing system, high frequency data link (HFDL), aeronautical mobile service, selective calling system (SELCAL), aeronautical speech circuits and emergency locator transmitter (ELT). 1st edition, July 1995.

Reprinted February 2004, incorporating Amendments 71–78. 566 pp. Amendment 79 (applicable 25/11/04)

Amendment 80 (applicable 24/11/05)

Amendment 81 (applicable 23/11/06)

Volume IV — Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems

Volume IV of Annex 10 contains Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material for secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS), including SARPs for SSR Mode A, Mode C and Mode S; and the technical characteristics of ACAS.

3rd edition, incorporating Amendments 70–77. July 2002. 204 pp.

Amendment 79 (applicable 25/11/04)

Amendment 80 (applicable 24/11/05)

Amendment 81 (applicable 23/11/06)

Volume V — Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization

Volume V of Annex 10 contains Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material on the utilization of aeronautical frequencies.

2nd edition, incorporating Amendments 71–76.

Amendment 77 (applicable 28/11/02)

Amendment 79 (applicable 25/11/04)

Amendment 80 (applicable 24/11/05)

Amendment 81 (applicable 23/11/06),

Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services

Annex 11 defines air traffic services and specifies the worldwide Standards and Recommended Practices applicable in the provision of these services.

13th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–40.

July 2001. 79 pp.

Amendment 41 (applicable 28/11/02)

Amendment 42 (applicable 27/11/03)

Amendment 43 (applicable 24/11/05)

Amendment 44 (applicable 23/11/06)

Annex 12 — Search and Rescue

This Annex sets forth the provisions applicable to the establishment, maintenance and operation of search and rescue services by Contracting States in their territories and over the high seas. Annex 12 is complemented by the three-volume International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (Doc 9731) which provides guidelines for a common aviation and maritime approach to organization and provision of search and rescue services.

8th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–17. July 2004. 26 pp

Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation

Annex 13 contains the international Standards and Recommended Practices for aircraft accident and incident investigation.

9th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–10. July 2001. 42 pp.

Amendment 11 (applicable 23/11/06)

Annex 14 — Aerodromes

Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations

Annex 14, Volume I, contains Standards and Recommended Practices that prescribe the physical characteristics, obstacle limitation surfaces and visual aids to be provided at aerodromes, as well as certain facilities and technical services normally provided at an aerodrome.

4th edition, incorporating Amendments 1–6. July 2004. 244 pp.

Amendment 7 (applicable 24/11/05)

Amendment 8 (applicable 23/11/06)

Amendment 9 (approved 15/6/06)

Volume II — Heliports

Annex 14, Volume II, contains Standards and Recommended Practices covering aspects of heliport planning, design and operations.

2nd edition, July 1995. Reprinted July 2004, incorporating Amendments 1 and 2. 64 pp. Amendment 3 (applicable 25/11/04)

PANS-OPS — Aircraft Operations (Doc 8168)

Volume I — Flight Procedures

This volume describes operational procedures recommended for the guidance of flight operations personnel. It also outlines the various parameters on which the criteria in Volume II are based so as to illustrate the need for operational personnel including flight crew to adhere strictly to the published procedures in order to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of safety in operations. 4th edition, 1993.

Reprinted January 2005, incorporating Amendments 1–12. 172 pp. Amendment 13 (applicable 25/11/04

Volume II — Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures

This volume is intended for the guidance of procedures specialists and describes the essential areas and obstacle clearance requirements for the achievement of safe, regular instrument flight operations. It provides the basic guidelines to States, and those operators and organizations producing instrument flight charts that will result in uniform practices at all aerodromes where instrument flight procedures are carried out.

4th edition, 1993.

Reprinted January 2005, incorporating Amendments 1–11. 629 pp.

Amendment 12 (applicable 25/11/04)

PANS-ATM — Air Traffic Management (Doc 4444)

These procedures are complementary to the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in Annex 2 and Annex 11 and specify, in greater detail than in the Standards and Recommended Practices, the actual procedures to be applied by air traffic services units in providing the various air traffic services to air traffic.

14th edition, 2001. 324 pp.

Amendment 1 (applicable 28/11/02)

Amendment 2 (applicable 27/11/03)

Amendment 3 (applicable 25/11/04)

Amendment 4 (applicable 24/11/05)

PANS-Training (Doc 9868)

These PANS contain material that provides for the uniform implementation of the training required for the pilot licences and ratings found in Annex 1, including the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL). This document is complementary to the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing and specifies, in greater detail than in the SARPs, the actual procedures to be applied by training organizations in providing training for aeronautical personnel.

1st edition, 2006. 80 pp.

Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030)

Operating procedures supplementary to the Annexes and PANS developed for the greater part through the ICAO regional air navigation meetings to meet the needs of a specific ICAO Region.

They deal with matters affecting the safety and regularity of international air navigation. They are published in a single document covering all Regions.

The ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures form part of the Air Navigation Plan developed by Regional Air Navigation Meetings to meet those needs of specific areas which are not covered in the worldwide provisions. They complement the statement of requirements for facilities and services contained in the Air Navigation Plan publications.

4th edition, 1987.

Reprinted August 2000, incorporating Amendments 1–197. 183 pp.

Amendment 211 (2/6/06)

Human Factors Digest No. 8 — Human Factors in Air Traffic Control (Cir 241)

This circular discusses basic Human Factors issues in air traffic control, including workstation design and personnel selection and training.

1993. 45 pp.


Circular 311 Assessment of ADS-B to Support Air Traffic Services and Guidelines for Implementation

First Edition — 2006. 746 pp.

Use of ADS-B to support air traffic services. The basis of assessment was a comparison of ADS- B to a reference secondary surveillance radar (SSR). This assessment has resulted in the identification of a number of performance requirements (Appendix C) which must be met for ADS-B surveillance to be as good as or better than the reference SSR. SASP concluded that ADS-B as a technology can be used as a means of supporting the provision of a five nautical mile (5 NM) separation minimum similar to that used with radar.

This document is a consolidated and single point reference of the assessment undertaken by SASP, and includes:

a) an overview of ATC surveillance, see Chapter 2;

b) the rationale used by SASP in developing the methodology and to arrive at its conclusions, see Chapter 3 and Appendices A and B;

c) the performance requirements attached to the conclusions reached by SASP, see Chapter 3 and Appendix C;

d) a compendium of hazards and mitigation measures identified during the development of safety case to support ADS-B trials and implementation, see Chapter 3 and Appendix E;

e) evidence of achieved ADS-B surveillance performance during several ADS-B trials and implementation, see Chapter 3 and Appendix D;

f) a State implementation roadmap (see Chapter 4); and

g) frequently asked questions (FAQs), aimed at increasing controller awareness of ADS-B surveillance, provided in Appendix F.

Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air Traffic Control

Preliminary Edition – 2005

This circular contains the following:

a) A generic introduction to the TEM framework, including definitions; components of the framework; threat and error countermeasures; and threats, errors and undesired states in relation to outcomes;

b) A discussion on TEM in ATC, including definitions; threats in ATC; errors; undesired states; TEM-based analysis of actual ATC situations; managing threats and errors; TEM training for ATC personnel; integrating TEM in safety management; and Normal Operations Monitoring; and

c) Related documents.

The circular was developed with the assistance of the Normal Operations Safety Survey Study Group (NOSSSG).

Circular 302 2004 HUMAN FACTORS DIGEST No. 16

The objective of this digest is to provide the participants in the decision-making process in the aviation industry — including regulatory authorities and airline personnel — with an awareness of cultural interfaces and the impact of cross-cultural factors on aviation safety. While the digest suggests possible avenues of action, it does not however propose solutions, because these solutions will only emerge as consequences of cross-cultural research in operational settings.

The digest is aimed at managers of both civil aviation administrations and the airline industry, including airline operational and training managers. The target audience also includes regulatory bodies, safety and investigation agencies and training establishments, as well as senior and middle non-operational airline management.

APPENDIX B – IFATCA Table of ICAO Documents


Table of ICAO Documents (Extract from ICAO Catalogue)
9426 Air Traffic Services Planning Manual
Note: Part 5 contains Terms and References
ATM-8402 1st – 1984 New edition in preparation? April, 2005 4 30/12/92
9432 Manual of Radiotelephony ATM-9702 3rd – 2006
9433 Manual concerning Interception of Civil Aircraft (MICA) ATM-9002 2nd – 1990 Up-to-date
9554 Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities Potentially Hazardous to Civil Aircraft Operations ATM-9002 1st – 1990 Up-to-date
9574 Manual on Implementation of a 300 m (1 000 ft) Vertical Separation Minimum between FL 290 and
FL 400 inclusive
ATM-6301 2nd – 2002 Up-to-date
9613 Manual on Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ATM-9503 2nd – 1999 New edition in preparation? 1 01/03/01
9643 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) 1st – 2004
9689 Manual on Airspace Planning Methodology for the Determination of Separation Minima 1st – 1998
9694 Manual of Air Traffic Services Data Link Applications ATM-9506 ATM-9102 ATM-9103 1st – 1999 New edition in preparation? 2005
9731 International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual
Volume I — Organization and Management
Volume II — Mission Co-ordination International
Volume III — Mobile Facilities
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005 amendments 2001, 2002, 2003 amendments
9750 Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems ATM-9202 2nd – 2002 New edition in preparation? 2006
9830 Manual on Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A SMGCS) ATM-0101 ATM-9703 1st – 2004 E/A issued Jan, 03
9854 Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept ANB-0204 1st – 2005 E/F/R/A/C issued Jan, 04
9684 Manual of the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Systems CNS-9601 3rd – 2004 1 20/01/06
9688 Manual on Mode S Specific Services CNS-9601 2nd – 2004
9705 Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) Manual CNS-9403 3rd – 2002 (CD-ROM only) Needs to be confirmed? not in 2007 catalogue 2006
9739 Comprehensive Aeronautical Telecommunication CNS-9403 1st – 2000 New edition in preparation?
9741 Manual on HF Data Link CNS-9602 1st – 2000 Amendment in preparation? 2005
9776 Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 2 CNS-9102 1st – 2001 Amendment in preparation? 2005
9804 Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Ground-Ground Voice Switching and Signalling CNS-7001 1st – 2002
9805 Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 3 CNS-9102 1st – 2002 Amendment in preparation? 2006
9816 Manual on VHF Digital Link (VDL) Mode 4 CNS 9603 CNS-9102 1st – 2004 E issued May, 01
9849 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Manual CNS-9401 1st – 2005 E/S issued
9855 Guidelines on the Use of the Public Internet for Aeronautical Applications CNS-0301 1st – 2005 E/R issued 2004
9863 Airborne Conflict Avoidance System (ACAS) Manual CNS-7901 1st – 2006
7192 Manual on Training part F-1 Met for Air Traffic Controllers, etc. 1st – 2002
9365 Manual of All Weather Operations 2nd – 1991 New edition planned? 2007
9758 Human Factors Guidelines for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems PEL-9001 1st – 2000 Amendment in preparation? 2005
9835 Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements PEL-9902 1st – 2004 E issued, F/S/R/A/C in preparation Apr, 04
9859 Safety Management Manual 1st – 2006
9654 Manual on Prevention of Problematic Use of Substances in the Aviation Workplace 1st – 1995 Up-to-date
9734 Safety Oversight Manual
Part A — The Establishment and Management of a State’s Safety Oversight System 2nd – 2006
Part B — The Development and Management of Regional Safety Oversight Systems 1st – 2006
9735 Safety Oversight Audit Manual 2nd – 2006
8896 Manual on Aeronautical Met Practice 7th – 2006
9156 ADREP Manual
9328 Manual of Runway Visual Range Observing and Reporting Practices 3rd – 2005
9377 Manual on Coordination between Air Traffic Services, Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Meteorological Services 2nd – 2001
9817 Manual on Low-level Wind Shear 1st – 2005
9837 Manual on Automatic Meteorological Observing Systems at Aerodromes 1st – 2006
9828 Report on the Eleventh ANC
8991 Manual of Air Traffic Forecasting 3rd – 2006
9157 Aerodrome Design Manuals: 6 Parts
Part 1 — Runways
Part 2 — Taxiways, Aprons and Holding
Part 3 — Pavement
Part 4 — Visual Aids
Part 5 — Electrical Systems
Part 6 — Frangibility
1983 until 2006
9861 Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Manual DRAFT
9869 Manual on Required Communication Performance (RCP) 1st – 2006 DRAFT
9870 Manual for Preventing Runway Incursions 1st – 2006 DRAFT
9881 Guidelines for Electronic Terrain, Obstacle & Aerodrome Mapping Information DRAFT
NNNN Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter DRAFT
8168 PANS-OPS — Aircraft Operations
Volume I — Flight Procedures
Volume II — Construction of Visual and Instrument
Flight Procedures

PANS-ATM — Air Traffic Management

4 24/11/05

PANS-TRG Training

1 Personnel Licensing 10 167 23/11/06
2 Rules of the Air 10 39 23/11/06
10 Aeronautical Telecommunications
Volume I — Radio Navigation Aids
Volume II (Communication Procedures including those with PANS status)
Volume III
(Part I – Digital Data Communication Systems;
Part II — Voice Communication Systems)
Volume IV (Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance Systems)
Volume V (Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization)





Corr., 29/01/02 81










11 13 Corr., 31/10/03 44 23/11/06
12 8 17 25/11/04
13 9 Corr. 3, 15/11/06 11 23/11/06
14 Aerodromes
Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations
Volume II — Heliports
42 Corr., 20/10/95 93 15/06/0625/11/04
Circular 302 Human Factors Digest No. 16 – Cross-Cultural Factors in Aviation Safety
Circular 311 Assessment of ADS-B to Support Air Traffic Services and Guidelines for Implementation Draft, First Edition – 2006
Unnumbered Circular Introducing Threat-and-Error Management DRAFT
The language versions are abbreviated as follows: E = English A = Arabic C = Chinese F = French R = Russian S = Spanish

Last Update: September 29, 2020  

April 9, 2020   1539   Jean-Francois Lepage    2007    

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