Team Resource Management

Team Resource Management

41TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Cancun, Mexico, 15-19 April 2002

WP No. 164

Team Resource Management


At the annual conference in Marrakesh 2000, this working item was presented a first time by ANACNA (Italy) as a working paper on the agenda of Committee C. It was requested to put this item on the SC4 work programme 2000-2001.

At last year’s Conference in Geneva, SC4 presented a working paper (WP171, Agenda item C.5.7) resulting in policy on TRM.

On request of Italy this working item remained on this year’s work programme for further development.


Due to the structure of the Professional Section of the IFATCA Manual, the policy on Team Resource Management had to be spread over three different pages. Namely page 4311, para 1.2.9, page 4321, para 2.1.3 and page 4351, para 5.2.3. In reassume the policy states that:

“Team Resource Management as a concept should be considered in the selection, basic and continuation training of ATCOs.”


The issue of TRM and the requirements for teamwork aptitude have been discussed thoroughly and SC4 is of the opinion that the existing policy on TRM doesn’t need to be amended.

However, the existing policy covers only TRM training in the selection of ATCOs, basic training and continuation training.

SC4 believes that TRM training should go further than that and be included in supervisory and management courses as well. Therefore the IFATCA policy on page 4352, Para 5.4 need to be amended to include this training.


The existing IFATCA policy on Team Resource Management needs no amending.

Team Resource Management as a concept should be included in Supervisory and Management courses.


To add on page 4352 under Supervisory and Management Courses, new Para 5.4.3 and renumber subsequent paras:

“Team Resource Management as a concept should be considered in the training of controllers prior to an appointment as supervisor or management position.”


IFATCA Manual.


‘Guidelines for Developing and Imple menting Team Resource Management’ (HUM.ET.ST10.1000-GUI-01);

‘Proceeding of the Second EUROCONTROL Human Factor Workshop- Teamwork in Air Traffic Services’ (HUM.ET1.ST13.000- REP-02).

Last Update: September 29, 2020  

March 13, 2020   813   Jean-Francois Lepage    2002    

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