Review of Policy on Advanced Approach Procedures

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Review of Policy on Advanced Approach Procedures

40TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-23 March 2001

WP No. 85

Review of Policy on Advanced Approach Procedures


The review of MLS policy has resulted in the need for separate policy to be developed on Advanced Approach Procedures. This policy was previously included in policy statement 2.7 Microwave Landing System (MLS).


ICAO has approved the introduction of New Technology Approach and Landing Aids and has developed Standards and Recommended Practices for MLS and GNSS. The flexibility of these aids will allow the introduction of advanced procedures, i.e. any approach other than a straight in ILS look alike approach.

Advanced procedures were first considered during the development of MLS and these procedures are also possible with GNSS. It would appear that the initial use of these approach aids will be for straight in approaches only. The policy that has been developed on Advanced Procedures is relevant for all New Technology Approach and Landing Aids. This policy should be retained should these procedures be introduced in the future.


Advanced approach procedures can provide flexibility in the design of approach procedures and improvements to traffic flows. They can also offer advantages to airfield and aircraft operators on environmental and capacity grounds but these should not compromise the safety and efficiency of the ATC system.


“Advanced approach procedures should only be introduced where there is a demonstrated benefit from using these procedures. During any transition period these operations must not overload ATC or adversely affect its ability to handle all aircraft safely and efficiently.

Advanced approach procedures should be designated under 2 categories: Basic and Advanced. The Basic procedure should be a straight in approach following the normal glidepath. An Advanced procedure is any procedure requiring a higher level of equipment.

To permit advance planning, the approach capability of the aircraft should be included on the flightplan and displayed to the controller using the appropriate data display system. The flight plan data should be limited to an indication of Basic or Advanced procedures.

The number of advanced approach procedures to any one runway should be kept to a minimum to reduce the complexity of the traffic flow in the terminal area.

ATC should have the option to limit the number of advanced approach procedures in use at any one time.

The controller should have a video map display showing the planned flight path of an aircraft on an advanced approach procedure and the track miles to touchdown.

ATC will require the provision of assistance tools for managing and integrating traffic operating on advanced approach procedures.

Advanced approach procedures should have a unique identification that is not dependent on the runway designator and should be named in accordance with ICAO Annex 11 Appendix 3 “Principles Governing the Identification of Standard Departure and Arrival routes and Associated Procedures”.

ATC must not be responsible for checking the validity indicator of an advanced approach procedure where this is transmitted to the aircraft by datalink.

When advanced approach procedures are published, they must ensure that the aircraft is able to continue to navigate safely during an aborted approach until the aircraft has climbed to a terrain safe altitude.

When an aborted approach is made from an advanced approach procedure, radar vectors must not be considered as the primary means of navigating the aircraft.

Where advanced approach procedures are introduced, the additional staff training and equipment to integrate this traffic into the ATC system must be provided before these operations commence.”

Last Update: September 29, 2020  

March 13, 2020   890   Jean-Francois Lepage    2001    

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