Review of IFATCA Policy

Review of IFATCA Policy

30TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, 22-26 April 1991

WP No. 92

Review of IFATCA Policy


There are a whole range of technological changes which will confront the ATCO in the near future. To retain control over our own destiny rather than leaving it in the hands of technicians and managers, however well meaning and far-sighted they may be, must be of prime concern to our Federation.


During the finalisation of the WP on Automation SC4 considered the role of the ATCO in the consultative process, and whether more emphasis on ATCO involvement was necessary. IFATCA’s present policy “Member Associations should make every effort, through good communication with managements, to increase the involvement of controllers whenever change is proposed.” was discussed. The committee felt that it was not enough to remind MA’s of this policy but that it should be more explicitly phrased.


To emphasise, now more than ever, the requirement of ATCO’s to be involved in new projects in a pro-active rather than re-active manner, it was suggested that a re-definition of current policy was appropriate.


It is recommended that current policy para 2.2.3 page be replaced by:

“ Member Associations should take positive steps to ensure their participation in all new ATC-related projects to be undertaken at both local and national level. This participation should commence at the purchase/planning stage through to implementation to ensure that all their concerns, not only regarding technical aspects, but especially regarding human factors, are taken into consideration.”

Last Update: September 20, 2020  

December 4, 2019   705   Jean-Francois Lepage    1991    

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