IFATCA Policy is:

The results of competence assessments shall be treated confidentially. Member Associations should, together with their management, draw up a “code of conduct” which to the greatest possible extent will guarantee the objectivity and confidentiality of competence assessments.

Before a competence assessment system is implemented, the following, as a minimum, shall be taken into account:

  1. a suitable period of evaluation of the system should take place;
  2. adequate facilities to enable remedial training.

IFATCA supports competence assessment for all personnel engaged in operational duties, for every endorsement or validation. Theoretical knowledge and practical competence shall be assessed at least once a year, for every rating that a controller holds. The standards to be achieved and the checklist of items to be evaluated should be made available to all those concerned.

When assessments are conducted, controllers shall be able to view their results and to discuss them with the assessor. Additionally, controllers shall be able to record their comments, regarding the results and the manner in which the assessment was carried out.

All ATCOs selected to act as assessors should undergo appropriate training that will provide guidance on achieving a fair, objective, and valid assessment.

Additionally, a controller considered for the assessor role should have the following as a minimum:

  1. 4 years operational experience;
  2. 1 year experience on the position where the assessment takes place;
  3. 2 years OJTI experience;
  4. having a high standard of credibility and communication skills in the OJTI/coaching role; and
  5. currency on the position where the assessment takes place.

Controllers having an assessor qualification shall be subject to the same competence assessments as other controllers.

The assessor’s qualification should be the subject of periodic refresher training, at periods not exceeding 3 years, to ensure that skills are maintained and new techniques and procedures are incorporated.

IFATCA endorses the use of multiple observations to augment existing dedicated competency-based assessment.

See: WP 164 – Istanbul 2007, Resolutions C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 – WP 156 – Accra 2018, WP 154 – Singapore 2024




Last Update: December 13, 2024  

November 5, 2019   849   Jean-Francois Lepage    TRNG    

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