Review Policy on Privatization

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Review Policy on Privatization

49TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 12-16 April 2010

WP No. 164

Review Policy on Privatization

Presented by PLC


Monitoring privatization has been on the agenda of PLC for many years. A database was created but the lack of information gathered made that database loose its value. Policy statements referring to this should be deleted.


1.1 The review was requested by the EB in light of the information available in the Information handbook more particularly with regard to the policy accepted in Marrakech 2000 which can be found on page 4125 of the 2009 Technical & Professional Manual.

1.2 For convenience of the reader the paragraph numbering of IFATCA Manual 2007 have been used. This is due to the fact that the Technical & Professional Manual doesn’t follow any numbering and the policies didn’t change until present.


2.1 IFATCA policy on Privatisation can be found on page 4124 and 4125 of the 2009 Technical & Professional Manual.


“2.2.3. The 1993 Conference adopted the following definition of Privatisation for IFATCA use:

“Privatisation of Air Traffic Control refers to the process by which the functions and/or assets of Air Traffic Control are transferred from a government department to either the private sector or to a Company or Corporation owned either partly or fully by the government, but operating independently of total government control.” [Coopers & Lybrand] (Christchurch 93.C.6).”



“2.2.4. The safety and quality levels of the Air Traffic Services system shall not be compromised by privatisation/commercialisation (Christchurch 93.C.7).”



“2.2.5. IFATCA should monitor the effects of privatisation/commercialisation on controllers’ working conditions in co-operation with the ILO (Christchurch 93.C.8).

Note: A comprehensive overview of legal aspects that should be considered the minimum requirements when ATC is to be privatised can be found in WP 94.C.137 which was accepted as guidance material by Rec. 94.C.21.”



“2.2.6. IFATCA shall create and maintain a secure database of the experiences of Member Associations with commercialisation and privatisation (Marrakech 00.C.8).”


2.2 The Information Handbook Questionnaire contains following question with regard to the employer:

“Who employs civil ATCOs in your country? A civil authority, a military authority, a joint civil/military authority or a private or commercialized company. In case of the latter give a brief description.”

2.3 One of the purposes of the information handbook is phrased as such:

“It should enable its users to identify those MAs that may have useful information on specific professional matters, after which direct contacts with such MAs should be established to obtain the desired detail of information.”

2.4 Considering paragraphs 2.1.4; 2.2 and 2.3 above the question has to be put if the Information Handbook covers the aim of collecting information on privatization.

2.5 The brief description mentioned in 2.2 doesn’t exactly cover policy statement 2.2.5 and to PLC’s knowledge the cooperation with ILO on the matter doesn’t fall exactly under the terms of reference of PLC or it should be under this one:

“To maintain effective liaison with the professional and legal committees of international pilot associations and other international organisations and aviation groups.”

Nevertheless the vast information on working conditions contained in the IHB in conjunction with the employer information enables PLC to monitor the effects of privatisation and as such the EB’s assumption that “monitoring privatization is covered by the IHB” would be correct.

2.6 What policy statement 2.2.6 is concerned, one should consider the history of this topic and the associated database.

2.6.1 At the Toulouse Conference in 1998, delegates asked about the effects of privatisation and commercialisation of air traffic services in MAs around the world. It was agreed that the subject of monitoring the effects of Privatisation in ATC would be placed upon the work programme for SC4 during 1998/1999. The EVPP distributed a first questionnaire in 1998 and presented a working paper for the Santiago de Chile Conference in 1999 stating the outcome of that questionnaire.

2.6.2 At the Marrakech Conference in the year 2000, two questionnaires were distributed regarding privatization/commercialization.

2.6.3 At the Geneva Conference in 2001, an information paper was presented stating that only 4 MAs had replied and a database couldn’t be created at that time.

2.6.4 At the Cancun Conference in 2002, another information paper was presented, stating that PLC received 6 replies in total.

2.6.5 At The Buenos Aires Conference in 2003, an information paper was presented containing the first conclusions on the matter derived from the 6 replies.

2.6.6 In Hong Kong anno dei 2004, another information paper was presented.

2.6.7 In Melbourne anno dei 2005 PLC regretted the lack of input and stated:

”PLC deplores the lack of feedback it receives and will drop this item from their work programme unless the Federations’ Members start to participate in the collection and dissemination of the valuable information.”

2.6.8 Finally, in Kaohsiung, 2006, a paper was presented with following recommendation that was adopted:

“That the database be transferred to the office where new information will be added when available. That “Monitoring Privatisation and Commercialisation in ATC” be withdrawn from the PLC work programme.”


3.1 Taking into account the history of the policies on privatization and the information available in the IHB, PLC proposes to delete following policy statements:

3.1.1 IFATCA should monitor the effects of privatisation/commercialisation on controllers’ working conditions in co-operation with the ILO (Christchurch 93.C.8). and,

3.1.2 IFATCA shall create and maintain a secure database of the experiences of Member Associations with commercialisation and privatisation (Marrakech 00.C.8).

3.2 The value of the note:

“Note: A comprehensive overview of legal aspects that should be considered the minimum requirements when ATC is to be privatised can be found in WP 94.C.137 which was accepted as guidance material by Rec. 94.C.21”

is still current and should be kept in the manual.


IFATCA Technical and Professional Manual 2009.

IFATCA Manual 2007 for paragraph referencing.

Last Update: September 29, 2020  

April 16, 2020   1033   Jean-Francois Lepage    2010    

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