Update of Accident and Incident Investigation Policy

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Update of Accident and Incident Investigation Policy

36TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Taipei, Taiwan, 17-21 March 1997

WP No. 154

Update of Accident and Incident Investigation Policy


During 1994 the subject of Area Recordings was incorporated into the IFATCA policy on Accident and Incident Investigation. However, the policy document on this subject was not amended to reflect this matter. It was proposed at the 35th Annual Conference in Tunis that the term ‘computer data’ be included on page 4421 paragraph 2.1.9 of the subject policy. SC7 were charged by the 35th Conference, to produce a working paper to amend the present policy/policy document accordingly.


Page 4422 paragraph 2.1.13 of policy states:

“ An area recording may generally be defined as any type of recording, audio and or visual, instituted in an air traffic control operations room that records accurately the conversation of controllers and the environment within an air traffic control operations room on a continuous basis (Ottawa 94.C.23).”


The subject of area recordings is currently not included in the policy document.

Page 44A4 paragraph 10 of the policy document entitled ‘Right to Review Evidence’ states:

“ The controller and his representative have the right, prior to appearing before any Investigative Board, to review all relevant video and audio recordings and computer readouts of air traffic control operations where available. In addition, the controller and his representative shall be provided with copies of transcripts of all relevant audio recordings prior to appearing before any Investigative Board.”


Page 44A4 paragraph 11 of the policy document entitled ‘Recordings and Transcripts’ states:

“ Audio and/or visual recordings and transcripts of air traffic control communications are intended to provide a record of such communications for use in the monitoring of investigation of incidents and accidents. Such recordings are confidential and are not permitted to be released to the public. Such recordings are not to be used to provide direct evidence as such in disciplinary cases, or to be used to determine controller incompetency.”


Page 4421 paragraph 2.1.9 of IFATCA policy states:

“ Audio and/or visual recordings and transcripts of Air Traffic Control communications are intended to provide a record of such communications for use in the monitoring of Air Traffic Control operations, and the investigation of incidents and accidents. Such recordings are confidential and are not permitted to be released to the public. Such recordings are not to be used to provide direct evidence as such in disciplinary cases, or to be used to determine Controller incompetency (Nairobi 87.C.17).”



Paragraphs 10 and 11 of the policy document as stated above require amendment to include area recordings. Paragraph 2.1.9 of policy as stated above requires amendment to include computer data.


It is recommended that:

Para 10 (bold section) on page 44A4 of the policy document be amended to read:

“ The controller and his representative have the right, prior to appearing before any Investigative Board, to review all relevant audio, visual and area recordings, also any computer readouts of air traffic control operations pertaining to this investigation. In addition, the controller and his representative shall be provided with copies of transcripts of all relevant audio recordings prior to appearing before any Investigative Board.”

Para 11 (bold section) on page 44A4 of the policy document be amended to read:

“ Audio, visual and area recordings together with transcripts of air traffic control communications are intended to provide a record of such communications for use in the monitoring of investigation of incidents and accidents. Such recordings are confidential and are not permitted to be released to the public. Such recordings are not to be used to provide direct evidence as such in disciplinary cases, or to be used to determine controller incompetency.”

IFATCA Policy on Accident and Incident Investigation page 4421 paragraph 2.1.9 be amended to read:

“ Audio, visual and area recordings together with associated computer data and transcripts of air traffic control communications are intended to provide a record of such communications for use in the monitoring of air traffic control operations, and the investigation of incidents and accidents. Such recordings are confidential and are not permitted to be released to the public. Such recordings are not to be used to provide direct evidence as such in disciplinary cases, or to be used to determine controller incompetency.”

Last Update: September 28, 2020  

March 5, 2020   971   Jean-Francois Lepage    1997    

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