Report on Committee C

Report on Committee C

11TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Dublin, Ireland, 24-27 April 1972

WP No. 11

Report on Committee C


The plenary elected J.D. Thomas (Rhodesia) as chairman, E. Just (Germany) as vice-chairman and F. Mente (Netherlands) as secretary of Committee C. This Committee was set up to discuss the reports presented by Standing Committee IV and V.

1. Reports on Standing Committees

C.1.1. The Report of SC4.

The report was accepted and recommended for adoption by Plenary.

C.1.2. The Report of SC5.

This item was discussed under Agenda item C.3.1.1.

2. The ILO/ICAO Study

The situation was outlined by A. Cauty (Canada) and J.D. Monin (Switzerland) and this report is expected shortly.

3. Work Studies

C.3.1.1. Report of Feasibility, SC5

The report was accepted after amendment and is recommended for adoption by Plenary. The amendments are:

1.1 to read: Applicants without previous aviation experience should be between 18 and 25 years.

2.2.  to read: Applicants shall be required to pass the selection standards. It is impracticable to develop a standard aptitude test; however, ICAO should be approached to co-ordinate certain elements with visual or oral criteria which could be used in all countries.

2.3.  to read: The ICAO medical requirements shall apply to all candidates for selection and other tests considered appropriate by respective governments should be employed. The final selection of prospective controllers should be made by trained ATC personnel together with professional assessors.

4.2.  (b) Note to be deleted.

4.3.  First sentence to be renumbered as 4.3.d and should read: Students completing the third year program would be expected to have graduated from the post-secondary institution.

4.3. (a) to read: A programme of formal classroom instruction which should include all relevant material and traffic simulation exercises required pertinent for ATC procedures and equipment for an approach and area control rating as well as providing administrative background for reporting procedures, management forms, etc. Also a review of all material covered in the previous two years.

5.2.1. to read: Licensed and trainee controllers should participate in familiarisation flights each year.

(Note. this policy was amended by policy 95.C.8, working paper 140)

5.3.1. to read: Controllers who are charged with responsibility for indoctrination or on-the-job training of ATC personnel, should be provided with adequate courses of instruction in order to discharge these additional responsibilities.

C.3.1.2. Report SC5

The report was accepted and recommended for adoption at Plenary.

Recommendation: C.1
That organisations who have not yet answered the questionnaire should be urged to do so as soon as possible.

Recommendation: C.2
That the questionnaire be amended to include annual controller strengths for the period during which medical cases are reported and that it also include national rates of incidence of these diseases when reported if available.

Recommendation: C.3
That a form similar to the initial questionnaire be compiled annually by all Member Associations and returned to a permanent IFATCA Standing Committee to ensure that genuine statistics may be built up from year to year.

Member Associations which are responsible for Standing Committee Work Programmes should have their questionnaires circulated prior to Sept. 30, and replies should be returned by Nov. 30, and completed papers distributed by Feb. 28.

Recommendation: C.4
That thought be given to obtain the services of a medical-statistics organisation in the future to collate and interpret the future results once a significant amount of data had been obtained.


C.3.2.1. Study time

The report was accepted and recommended for adoption at Plenary.

Recommendation: C.5
To replace point 1.1.5. Study Time (WP 71.A.9.1.) by the new heading: Briefing Time;

Recommendation: C.6
To replace the complete text by the following:

In order to keep the controller continuously updated with all the latest ICAO National regulations and local procedures essential for a safe conduct of the air traffic control service, at least 2 (two) hours briefing time within the limits of the average time on duty per week, should be provided;

Overlap-time between shifts should be present in order to give such a briefing;

That a person within the service (e.g. the watch supervisor) be charged to take care for this briefing.

C.3.2.2. Incorporation of the draft Resolutions form 71.A.9.I in the Manual as IFATCA- Policy

The report was accepted and recommended for adoption at Plenary.

Recommendation C.7
That in the interest of air safety, vis-à-vis the reduction of fatigue, morale and well being of the air traffic controller, the following desirable standards or practices be adopted as resolutions, and are ones member Associations should seek to implement.

The average time on duty per week should not exceed 32 hours.
(Note: this policy was amended by policy 95.C.2 working paper 95.C.125)

The time on duty by day should not exceed 7 1/2 hours.

The time on duty by night should not exceed 10 hours.
(Note: this policy was amended by policy 95.C.2 working paper 95.C.125)

The maximum continuous effective working time for a controller should be 2 hours and this time should be reduced for a radar-controller.
(Note: this policy was amended by policy 95.C.2 working paper 95.C.125)

By night the total effective working time should not exceed 5 hours.
(Note: this policy was amended by policy 95.C.2 working paper 95.C.125)

After 2 hours on duty (less for the radar-controller) the minimum relaxation time for the controller should be 15 minutes.

The minimum time off between two periods of duty should be not less than 12 hours.

The duty rosters should be based on at least two consecutive days of in every seven days.

Duty rosters should be agreed with the air traffic controllers involved.

The annual leave for a controller should be not less than 30 working days (this is the equivalent of 6 weeks), excluding public holidays, of which 3 weeks must be consecutive.

ATC management staff should have a thorough basic knowledge of air traffic control and be holders of, or have held, an air traffic controller’s licence and, to remain fully conversant with current air traffic control problems, their knowledge should be continually updated.

The medical requirements for ATC employment must be stated by the appropriate ATC authorities and should be based upon the criteria laid down in Annex I to the ICAO Convention.

Local medical centres should be established for the examination of ATC personnel

A National Medical Body should be established as the Central Authority for determining questions of fitness of controllers whose fitness is questioned by the local centres.

Controllers should be afforded recourse to examination by independent medical specialists of their choice where permanent medical unfitness is indicated by earlier examination.

The cost of the examinations shall be borne by the ATC authorities.

To avoid deterioration of the working conditions all factors influencing those working conditions should be regularly and frequently inspected by the appropriate medical authorities.

At the age of 50 a controller shall cease from active control.

A controller in active control may retire after 20 years of service.

Early retirement legislation must be accompanied by an adequate pension scheme. Note: the IFATCA early retirement policies were amended in 1994 by WP138.

Recommendation C.8
The numbering and incorporation of these resolutions as recommended practices in this working paper

Recommendation C.9
Changes in the Manual, Part II, Table of Contents, as follows:


Section I Section II Section III

General Technical Professional

C.3.2.3. Feasibility study on a second career

This paper was referred back to SC4 for further consideration, especially in cases of medical disqualification or degradation of professional skill.

C.3.2.4. Salary and Pensions

This paper was referred back to SC4.

a. to make a start with job analysis;
b. to investigate early retirement and pension scheme.

C.3.2.5. Survey on some legal aspects in ATC

This paper was referred back to SC4 to continue their investigation in this area.


C.4.1. SC4 Human and Environmental Factors

Recommendation C.10
The committee approved appointment of the representatives of Germany, Netherlands and Belgium.

C.4.2. SC5 Recruitment and Training for Air Traffic Controllers

Recommendation C.11
The committee approved the appointment of the rep. of Canada.


C.5.1. Standing Committee IV

Recommendation C.12
It is recommended that SC4 will include in their working programme a study of: second career, early retirement, job analysis, pension and legal aspects. Where relevant any information contained in the ILO-Report will be used.

C.5.2. Standing Committee V

Recommendation C.13
It is recommended that SC5 will include in their working programme a detailed study on training after licensing. Where relevant any information contained in the ILO-Report will be used.

Note: with respect to Recommendation C.1, C.2, C.3 and C.4 the work assignment for continuation of the study of “the medical aspects of ATC” will be included , as part of the responsibilities of SC5.

Last Update: September 19, 2020  

November 22, 2019   799   Jean-Francois Lepage    1972    

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