IFATCA Policy is:

E-learning should be supported as a learning tool provided that:

  • the quality and scope of the training shall not be diminished by introducing E- learning;
  • E-learning serves the interest and the need of the ATCO or the student ATCO;
  • the right method is chosen with regard to the learning goal;
  • the organisation provides sufficient duty time to meet the learning goal;
  • the operational expertise of an active controller is used from the start;
  • human interaction is incorporated;
  • the feedback loop is kept short;
  • E-learning is considered as part of the blend of training methods that is used to deliver training.

See: WP 162 – Arusha 2008, Resolution C62 – WP 80 – Virtual 2022


Last Update: August 11, 2022  

November 5, 2019   613   Jean-Francois Lepage    TRNG    

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