The use of air ground Datalink systems has a significant part to play in the evolution of air Traffic Management (ATM), particularly in terms of communication and surveillance. This policy concentrates on the communication aspect. Large quantities of information are made available by the use of Datalink services therefore there are human factors considerations which shall be taken into account. This policy does not cover these issues.

IFATCA Policy is:

Voice communications shall be retained as a communications channel in all circumstances. Where Datalink communications are in use, that access to the aircraft is subject to a system of priorities. The Controller who has jurisdiction for that flight shall have the highest unassailable priority subject to emergency messages.

The necessary ground networks should be in place, with satisfactory resilience to system failure and secure to resist unlawful interruption, prior to the introduction of Datalink communications. The ground systems should satisfy the appropriate performance criteria for safety critical reasons.

Interface devices required for the use of Datalink communication shall be designed such as to not add to controller workload.

Voice communications should be the preferred communications medium to be used in the event of an emergency. This shall not preclude the use of Datalink communications if deemed appropriate by those involved.

Future developments of Datalink services in the provision of ATM services shall support the cognitive needs, and be compatible with, the capabilities of the human.

Information regarding the equipage/non-equipage of Datalink shall be notified to controllers at the operational position in the appropriate manner.

ATC personnel should not be required to distinguish between different levels of Datalink equipage in the same airspace.

IFATCA supports Datalink concepts that improve frequency management provided that they demonstrate an identical or better level of safety and efficiency compared to voice communication.


See: WP 93 – Ottawa 1994, WP 92 – Tunis 1996, Resolution BC5 – WP 86 – Punta Cana 2010, Resolution B4 – WP58 – Virtual 2022

See also: WP 103 – Christchurch 1993, WP 82 – Jerusalem 1995


Last Update: August 9, 2022  

November 3, 2019   1010   Jean-Francois Lepage    AAS    

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