IFATCA Policy is:

Before an ADS service is introduced into operational service, the necessary system components to provide a control service and to support the control task shall be in place. Only pertinent and useful flight data should be supplied to the ATCOs, which supports and enhances the building of human mental models and controller situation awareness.

ATC shall be provided with assistance tools for managing airspace where multiple separation standards apply.

The ADS system shall provide a warning to pilot and controller whenever navigation accuracy or integrity is degraded below that required to operate in the airspace, and that this will affect separation standards. Procedures shall be in place to restore any loss of separation in a timely manner.

Displays of ADS information that are presented to the controller should be designed so that they meet the need of the control task and enhance the usability of the system.

ADS system design shall seek to optimise the interface at the controller workstation. Control of traffic using position data derived from ADS and surveillance can only be used where the control system supports both types of surveillance.

Whenever a controller interface derives data from a combination of surveillance systems, the source and derivation of position data in use shall be clearly and continuously evident to the controller.

Global standards and procedures shall address requirements of what independent verification of position data is required before dependent position data is used for separation.

To ensure integrity of system surveillance data (not just ATC surveillance) it is essential that the automatic transmission of erroneous dependent position data can be disabled or marked as inaccurate during all stages of flight.

See: WP 95 – Istanbul 2007, Resolution B1 – WP58 – Virtual 2022

See also: WP 102 – Hong Kong 2004, WP 87 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 100 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 101 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 102 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 103 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 104 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 105 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 106 – Jerusalem 1995, WP 94 – Santiago 1999, WP 87 (WAAS) – Tunis 1996, WP91 (ADS-B) – Tunis 1996.


Last Update: July 28, 2022  

November 3, 2019   963   Jean-Francois Lepage    AAS    

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