Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and New Questionnaire

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Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and New Questionnaire

37TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Toulouse, France, 30 March – 3 April 1998

WP No. 136

Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and New Questionnaire


SC7 established a central data bank of jurisprudence, in order to cover all cases in which the air traffic controller was named as defendant before a court for an aircraft incident or accident. SC7 decided to keep MAs informed about the bank’s content, new information that arrives from MAs is added to the bank and linked to the relevant cases. The Central Data Bank contains selected information from the original questionnaire.


At present the central data bank of jurisprudence can be found at the following addresses:

Internet :
Mailto :
Fax : + 1-514-866-7612 or + 972-3-9710591 or + 972-9-7429287
Mail :
a) IFATCA Office;
b) ATCAI – P.O. BOX.21, Israel, 70100

New Questionnaire

SC7 has decided to create a new questionnaire. It was felt that a new simplified form might encourage the usage of the central data bank. While the main use of the data bank is to give the addresses where one can find legal information about a specific case, and where to find the legal record required, the new questionnaire will be focus on some major details.

The present data bank contains the following 8 subjects that can be used to form the new questionnaire:

1) Name of the country;
2) Name of the IFATCA MA;
3) Name and Position of Contact person;
4) Contact addressee, tel, fax, email;
5) Case and Judgement date;
6) Case facts in brief;
7) The central issues of the case;
8) Reason for deciding;
9) Remarks.

Information of the form above will indicate the nature of the case and identify the relevant cases. It will contain the address to contact for further details. In order that the data bank is of maximum use to MAs, SC7 requests that all relevant information on cases affecting controllers is passed to the Standing Committee.

Last Update: September 28, 2020  

September 23, 2020   778   Jean-Francois Lepage    1998    

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