Reduced Vertical Separation Above FL 290

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Reduced Vertical Separation Above FL 290

32ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Christchurch, NZ, 19-23 April 1993

WP No. 102

Reduced Vertical Separation Above FL 290


This paper gives an update about the introduction of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) above FL 290.

The only notified region in which steps are being taken to introduce RVSM above FL 290 in the NAT Region. Although there have been attempts to introduce it in other areas, SC 1 is not aware of any other plans for its imminent introduction.

The recent ICAO Limited North Atlantic Regional Meeting agreed that 1000 feet vertical separation will be introduced as an operational trial on 1st January 1997. Full implementation will take place on the 1st January 1998. A fast time simulation will take place in 1993 and this will be followed by real time simulation in 1994. Barring unforeseen circumstances reduced vertical separation is now a fait accompli.

Since the results of the simulation will be the first real indication of the problems presented by reduced vertical separation, it will be at least a year before such information becomes available to us.

It is now important for every member state which will be affected by reduced separation to examine closely it’s implications. Members should find out what steps are being taken in their own state to prepare for the implementation of reduced separation and see what difficulties will be presented by it, i.e. what extra sectors will be required, how will traffic patterns change, will extra staff be required etc.

Since the introduction of RVSM is presently confined to the NAT region, it would appear that the monitoring role could be handled adequately by the IFATCA representative to NAT SPG who could call upon the resources of SC 1 when and if further assistance is required.

To Conclude

The timetable for the introduction of reduced vertical separation above FL290 in the NAT region has been established. The planned date for full implementation is 1st January 1998.

To the best of SC 1 knowledge, there are no imminent plans for the introduction of RVSM in other regions.

As the NAT SPG representative is dealing with the subject of RVSM in considerable detail, it is proposed that SC 1 drop the monitoring role until the need establishes itself with the future introduction of RVSM in other areas.

Last Update: September 20, 2020  

December 20, 2019   925   Jean-Francois Lepage    1993    

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