Knowledge Base Category: 1999
- Changed Working Conditions Under Privatisation
- Data Bank of Jurisprudence Update and Figures
- Documented Evidence from both IFALPA and IFATCA
- Investigate Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Systems (MSAW)
- Investigate the Use of Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) with Enhanced Surface Movement Guidance Control Systems (SMGCS)
- Off–Set Tracking in the North Atlantic (NAT)
- Performance Indicators in Context
- Rating and Endorsement Policy
- Removal of Ground Based Aids
- Report on the Introduction of 8.33 kHz Spacing
- Review of Human Factor Aspects of Social and Labour Aspects, Hours of Work and Retirement and Pension
- Review of IFATCA Policy on Legal Liability
- Study Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) to Update IFATCA Provisional Policy
- The “Free Flight Concept” – Human Factors Considerations
- The Definition of “Direct” in Direct Controller Pilot Communication (DCPC)
- The Use of GNSS – ATC
- The Use of Non-flight Plannable Levels in the Nat Region for Contingency
- Transfer of Control Functions to Pilots (Legal Aspects)
- Transfer of Separation Functions to Pilots – Human Factors Aspects