Knowledge Base Category: 1996
- Air-Ground Datalink
- Airspace Classification
- Display of GNSS Status to ATC
- EATCHIP ATM Procedures Development Sub-Group
- Future ATM Systems of the Next Century
- Investigate a Possible Future Air Traffic Management Concept
- Legal Rights of Pregnant ATCOs
- Recent Developments in Mode S
- Responsibilities & Functions of Aerodrome Controllers with Regard to Surface Movement
- Responsibility and Liability of Operating in Delegated Airspace
- RNP for Approach and Landing
- RTF Policy to Reduce Workload in the Air and on the Ground
- SC7 Central Data Bank of Jurisprudence – a Progress Report
- SICASP/WG2 Meeting
- Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways
- Three Main Systems of Flight Level (FL) Determination
- Use of the Phrase “Autonomous Airborne Devices”