1090 ES | 1090 MHz Extended Squitter |
3D, 4D | 3 or 4 Dimension |
2EP | Two Eyes Principle |
4EP | Four Eyes Principle |
5LNC | Five Letter Naming Codes |
AA | Approved Agency |
AAC | a) Airline Administrative Control b) Aeronautical Administrative Communication |
AAS | Automation and ATM System |
ABI | Advanced Boundary Information Message |
ASN.1 ACARS | Abstract Syntax Notation One – ACARS |
AC | Advisory Circular |
ACARE | Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACC | Area Control Centre |
ACE | ATM and CNS System Engineering (an EEC Centre of Expertise) |
ACF | ACARS Convergence Function |
ACG | ATM/CNS Consultancy Group |
ACI | Airports Council International |
ACID | Aircraft Identification |
ACK | Acknowledgement |
AD | Application Description |
ADAM | Alpha Delta Alpha Mike |
ADDI | Automated Digital Data Interchange |
ADEP | Airport of Departure |
ADES | Airport of Destination |
ADI | Aggregate Demand Indicators |
ADLP | Airborne Data Link Processor |
ADNS | ARINC Data Network Service |
ADOP | ICAO Aerodrome Design and Operations Panel |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |
ADS | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependence Surveillance Contract |
ADSF | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Function |
ADSU | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit or ADS Unit |
AECMA | Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial (European Association of Aerospace Industries) |
AEEC | Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee |
AELTS | ICAO’s Aviation English Language Test Service |
AENA | Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (Spanish Airports and Air Navigation) |
AES | Aircraft Earth Station |
AFC | ATC Frequency Change service |
AFE | Africa East |
AFIS | Automated Flight Inspection System |
AFL | Actual Flight Level |
AFM | Africa and Middle East |
AFP | Air Traffic Control Flight Plan Proposal |
AFS | Aeronautical Fixed Service |
AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network |
AGAS | Action Group for ATM Safety |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AIDC | ATC Interfacility Data Communications |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIRMET | Airmen’s Meteorological Information |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service(s) |
AKN | Acknowledgement |
AL | Alerting Service |
AMA | Americas |
AMC | Airspace Management Cell |
AMJ | Advisory Material-Joint |
AMS | Apron Management Services |
AMSS | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service |
AMWG | Airspace Management Working Group |
ANACNA | Associazione Nazionale Assistenti e Controllori della Navigazione Aerea |
ANC | ICAO Air Navigation Commission |
AN-Conf/11 | Eleventh Air Navigation Conference |
ANM | ATFM Notification Message |
ANP | Actual Navigation Performance |
ANS | Air Navigation Services |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ANT | Air Navigation Team |
AO | Aircraft Operator |
AOC | a) Aeronautical Operational Control b) Aircraft Operational Control c) Aircraft Operations Centre d) Airline Operational Communications System e) Airline Operations Centre |
AOPG | Aerodrome Operations Group |
AOT | Aerodrome Operations Team |
APANPIRG | ASIA/PAC Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group |
APC | a) Aeronautical Passenger Communications b) Aeronautical Public Correspondence |
APDSG | ATM Procedures Development Sub-Group |
APIWP | Approach Intercept Waypoint |
APL | Abbreviated Flight Plan |
APM | Associate Professional Membership |
APP | Approach Control |
APRs | Automatic Position Reports |
APT | Airport Throughput (an EEC Research Area) |
APW | Area Proximity Warning |
ARCW | ADS Route Conformance Warning |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporation |
ARO | ATS Reporting Office |
ARR | Arrival message |
ARTAS | a) Air Traffic Management Surveillance Tracker and Server System b) ATC Radar Tracker and Server |
ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Centre |
AS | Airborne Surveillance |
ASA | Aircraft Surveillance Applications |
ASAS | Airborne Separation Assistance System |
ASAS TN | Airborne Separation Assistance System Thematic Network |
ASBU | Airspace Block Upgrades |
ASD | Air Situation Display |
ASDE-X | Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X |
ASECNA | Agency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar |
ASM | Airspace Management |
A-SMGCS | Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System |
ASMT | Air Traffic Control Safety Monitoring Tool |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASP | Asia and Pacific |
ASPA-S&M | Enhanced Sequencing and Merging Operations |
ASTERIX | All Purpose STructured Eurocontrol suRveillance Information EXchange |
ATA | Air Transport Association |
ATAR | Automatic Air Reporting |
ATC | Air Traffic Control, Air Traffic Control Domain |
ATCC | Air Traffic Control Centre |
ATCComm | Air Traffic Control Communications Systems (Hardware & Software) |
ATCEUC | Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination |
ATCO | Air Traffic Control Officer |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Services |
ATD | Along-Track Distance |
ATFM | Air Traffic Flow Management |
ATIS | a) Air Traffic Information Service b) Airport Terminal Information Service c) Automated Terminal Information Service |
ATLAS | Australian Transition to Satellite Technology |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
ATMOPSP | ICAO ATM Operations Panel |
ATMRPP | ICAO Air Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunications Network |
ATO | Actual Time Over |
ATO | Approved Training Organisation |
ATRK | Along-Track Error |
ATS | Air Traffic Service(s) |
ATSA-AIRB | Enhanced traffic situational awareness during flight operations |
ATSA-S&A | Enhanced visual acquisition for see & avoid |
ATSA-SURF | Enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface |
ATSA-SVA | Enhanced successive visual approaches |
ATSAW | Airborne Traffic Situation Awareness |
ATSC | Air Traffic Services Communication |
ATS-PM | ICAO Doc 9426 – Air Traffic Services Planning Manual |
ATSU | Air Traffic Service Unit |
AUP | Airspace Use Plan |
AUSEP | Australian RNAV Standard |
AVPAC | Aviation VHF Packet Communications |
BDS | Comm-B Data Store |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules |
BRL | Bearing Range Line |
B-RNAV | Basic Area Navigation |
C/A | Course Acquisition Code |
C/I | Carrier-to-Interference Ratio |
C/N | Carrier-to-Noise Ratio |
CAA | a) Civil Aviation Administration b) Civil Aviation Authority |
CAASD | Centre for Advanced Aviation System Development (The MITRE Corporation) |
CADF | Centralised Airspace Data Processing Function |
CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation |
CAR | Caribbean |
CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia) |
CASCADE | Co-Operative ATS through Surveillance & Communication Applications Deployed in ECAC |
CAT | Data Category |
CATMAC | Co-operative Air Traffic Management Concept |
CBA | a) Cost/Benefit Analysis b) Cross-Border Area |
CBI | Computer Based Instruction |
CC | Connection Confirm |
CCIR | International Radio Consultative Committee |
CCITT | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee |
CCO | Continuous Climb Operations |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approaches |
CDI | Course Deviation Indicator |
CDM | Collaborative Decision Making |
CDO | Continuous Descent Operations |
CDR | Conditional Route |
CDSNs | Conflict Detection Safety Nets |
CDTI | Cockpit Display of Traffic Information |
CDTs | Conflict Detection Tools |
CEATS | Central European Air Traffic Services |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFMU | Central Flow Management Unit (EUROCONTROL, replaced by NMOC) |
CHI | Computer Human Interface |
CIB | Controller Intervention Buffer |
CIC | a) Controller Intervention Capability b) Controller in Charge |
CIDIN | Common ICAO Data Interchange Network |
CIMIC | Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee |
CIP | Convergence and Implementation Plan |
CIS | a) Critical Incident Stress b) Co-operative Independent Surveillance |
CISM | Critical Incident Stress Management |
CLAM | Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring |
CLNP | Connectionless Network Protocol |
CM | Context Management |
CMC | Civil/Military Cooperation |
CMG | Controller Management Group |
CMU | a) Communications Management Unit b) Context Management Unit |
CNS | Communication Navigation and Surveillance |
CNS/ATM | Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management |
CoE | Centre of Expertise |
COM | Communications |
COM/MET/OPS | Communications/Meteorology/Operations |
Connection | Transport Layer Relationship between peer end-systems. |
CONUS | Continental United States |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CP | ICAO Communications Panel |
CPDLC | Controller Pilot Data Link Communications |
CR | Connection Request |
CRAM | Conditional Route Availability Message |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRDA | Converging Runway Display Aid |
CRDS | CEATS Research and Development Simulation Centre |
CRM | a) C Reference Model b) Collision Risk Modelling c) Crew Resource Management |
CROPS | Converging Runway Operations |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CSE | Course Setting Error |
CTA | a) Control Area b) Calculated Time of Arrival |
CTMO | Centralised Traffic Management Organisation |
CTs | Controller Tools |
CW | Carrier Wave |
CWI | Continuous Wave Interference |
D, R, P Areas | Danger, Restricted and Prohibited Areas |
DA/H | Decision Altitude (Height) |
DAI | Development and Integration (an EEC Centre of Expertise) |
DARPS | Dynamic Air Route Planning System |
D-ATIS | Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service |
dBm | The dBm is the unit of absolute power related to 1 milliwatt |
DCE | Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment |
DCIA | Dependent Converging Instrument Approach |
DCL | Departure Clearance Delivery |
DCPC | Direct Controller Pilot Communication |
DDM | Difference Depth of Modulation (ILS) |
DFDAU | Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit |
Dg | Degree |
DGCA | Director-General Civil Aviation |
DGNSS | Differential GNSS |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DIAS | Differential GNSS Instrument Approach System |
DL | a) Data Link b) Downlink |
DLAC | Data Link Applications Coding |
DLORT | FAA Data Link Operational Requirements Team |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DO | Document |
DOP | Dilution of Precision |
DOTS | Dynamic Ocean Tracking System |
DP | Deputy President |
DPF | Data Processing Function |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying |
DR | Disconnect Request |
DRMS | Distance Route Mean Square |
DT | Data |
DTF | Data Test Facility |
E. I. | Employee Involvement |
EANPG ICAO | European Air Navigation Planning Group |
EAP | Employee Assistant Programme |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EASIE | Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe |
EATCHIP | European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme |
EATM | EUROCONTROL Programme for Performance Enhancement in European Air Traffic Management |
EC | European Commission |
ECA | European Cockpit Association |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
ECCG | Experimental Centre Consultation Group |
EEC | a) European Economic Community b) EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time |
EFAS | Extended Final Approach Segment |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Information System |
EFR | Electronic Flight Rules |
EGOA | Enhanced General Aviation Operations |
EHS | Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMF | Electro Magnetic Fields |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
ENAV | Italian company for Air Navigation Services |
ENRI | Electronic Navigation Research Institute |
ER | Error |
ERN | Earth Referenced Navigation |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESARR | EUROCONTROL Safety Regulatory Requirements |
ESOPS | Employee Share Option Schemes |
EST | Estimate message |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETB | Estimated Time at Boundary |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETN | Estimated Time of Entry |
ETO | Estimated Time Over |
ETODA | Estimated Time Over Deviation Alert |
EU | European Union |
EUC | Europe Central |
EUR | Europe |
EURATN | European ATN |
EURET | European Transport |
EUROCAE | European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment |
EUROCONTROL | European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation |
EUW | Europe West |
EVP | Executive Vice President |
EVP AFM | Executive Vice President Africa and Middle East |
EVP AMA | Executive Vice President Americas |
EVP ASP | Executive Vice President Asia and Pacific |
EVP EUR | Executive Vice President Europe |
EVPF | Executive Vice President Finance |
EVPP | Executive Vice President Professional |
EVPT | Executive Vice President Technical |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAB | Functional Airspace Blocks |
FAF | Final Approach Fix |
FANS | ICAO Future Air Navigation Systems |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation |
FAS | Final Approach Segment |
FAST | Future ATM Systems Team |
FDI | Fault Detection and Isolation |
FDP | Flight Data Processing |
FDPS | Flight Data Processing System |
FDR | Flight Data Record |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FF-ICE | Flight and Flow – Information for a Collaborative Environment |
FGCC | Federal Geodetic Control Committee |
FIFO | First In – First Out |
FIIG | Federation of International Institutions of a semi-official or private nature (Geneva) |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIS | Flight Information Services |
FIS-B | Flight Information Services Broadcast |
FL | Flight Level, unit of altitude (expressed in 100’s of feet) |
FLID | Flight Identification |
FLAS | Flight Level Allocation Scheme |
FLTOPSP | ICAO Flight Operations Panel |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMC | Flight Management Computer |
FMD | Flow Management Division (CFMU) |
FMEA | Failure Mode Effects Analysis |
FMP | Flow Management Position |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FMU | Flow Management Unit |
FOM | Figure of Merit |
FPA | Flight Path Angle |
FPD | Flight Plan Data |
FPL | Flight-Plan |
FPPS | Flight Plan Processing System |
FRA | Free Route Airspace |
FRAC | Free Route Airspace Concept |
FRAP | Free Route Airspace Project |
FRMS | Fatigue Risk Management Systems |
FRN | Field Reference Number |
FS | Functional Statement |
FSMP | Frequency Spectrum Management Panel |
FSPEC | Field Specification |
FTE | Flight Technical Error |
FTI | FUA Temporary Instruction |
FTS | Fast-time Simulation |
FUA | Flexible Use of Airspace |
FX | Field Extension Indicator |
GA | General Aviation |
GADS | Generic Aircraft Display Systems |
GAIT | Ground-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique |
GAT | General Air Traffic |
GDLP | Ground Data Link Processor |
GDOP | Geometric Dilution of Position |
GEO | Geostationary |
GES | Ground Earth Station |
GIC | GNSS Integrity Channel |
GICB | Ground-initiated Comm-B |
GIRU | Ground Interrogator Receiver Unit |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Federation) |
GM | Guidance Material |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System(s) |
GNSS PSG EUROCONTROL | GNSS Programme Steering Group |
GOS | Grade of Service |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile |
GPIWP | Glide Path Intercept Waypoint |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System |
GRAS | Ground-based Regional Augmentation System |
GREPECAS | Caribbean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group |
GS | Ground Speed |
GWS | Graphic Weather Service |
HALE | High Altitude Long Endurance |
HARN | High Accuracy Reference Network |
HAT | Height Above Touchdown |
HCI | Human Computer Interface |
HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
HDOP | Horizontal Dilution of Precision |
HELI | Helicopter Operations |
HEO | Highly Elliptical Orbit |
HF | High Frequency |
HFS | Human Factors Specialist |
HIV | Human Immune-deficiency Virus |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HPF | Horizontal Position Fix Error |
HRM | Human Resource Management |
HRT EUROCONTROL | Human Resources Team |
HRT TFG EUROCONTROL | Human Resources Team Training Focus Group |
HRT/HFSG EUROCONTROL | Human Resources Team Human Factors Work Group |
HSI | Horizontal Situation Indicator |
HUPER | Human Performance |
IA5 | International Alphabet #5 |
IAF | Initial Approach Fix |
IAG | International Aviation Group |
IAIN | International Association of Institutes of Navigation |
IANS | Institute of Air Navigation Services |
IAP | Instrument Approach Procedure |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed |
IAS TF A /B | Implementation of Airspace Strategy Task Force A & B |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ICAEA | International Civil Aviation English Association |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICB | Industry Consultation Body (European Commission) |
ICCAIA | International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
ICD GPS-200B- PR | NAVSTAR GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interface Control |
ICISF | International Critical Incident Stress Foundation |
ID | a) Identifier b) Identification |
IFALPA | International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations |
IFATCA | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations |
IFATSEA | International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations |
IFER | In-Flight Emergency Response |
IFPP | ICAO Instrument Flight Procedures Panel |
IFPS | Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System |
IFR | Instrumental Flight Rules |
IFRB | International Frequency Registration Board |
IHB | Information Handbook |
ILO | International Labour Organisation |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IM | Information Material |
IMAWP | Initial Missed Approach Waypoint |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
IN | Information Need |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organisation |
INO | Innovative Research (an EEC Research Area) |
INS | a) Inertial Navigation System b) Insert |
IOACG | Informal Indian Ocean Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
IOD | GPS Issue of Data |
ION | Institute of Navigation |
IP | Internetwork Protocol |
IRS | Inertial Reference System |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
ISPACG | Informal South Pacific ATS Co-Ordination Group |
ITF | International Transport Workers’ Federation |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
ITWS | Integrated Terminal Weather Service |
IWP | Interim Working Party |
JC | Just Culture |
JCAB | Japan Civil Aviation Bureau |
JPB | Joint Programme Board |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
kt | Knot: NM/hour, unit of speed |
LADGNSS | Local Area Differential GNSS |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LAT/LONG | Latitude / Longitude |
LEN | Length Indicator |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LOEU | Liaison Officer European Union |
LO ECTL | Liaison Officer EUROCONTROL |
LOIG | Liaison Officer to International Organisations in Geneva |
LOSA | Line Operations Safety Audit |
LPC | Linear Predictive Coding |
LPO | Lone Person Operation |
LPRI | ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation |
LRU | Line Replaceable Unit |
LSB | Least Significant Bit |
LVA | Large Vertical Aperture |
LVO | Low Visibility Operations |
MA | Member Association |
MADAP | Maastricht Automated Data Processing and Display System |
MAEVA | Master ATM European Validation Plan |
MALE | Medium Altitude Long Endurance |
MAP | Missed Approach Point |
MAPt | Missed Approach Point |
MASPS | Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards |
MB | Message, Comm B |
MBI | Message Block Identifier |
MBS | Model Based Simulations |
MCDU | Multifunction Control Display Unit |
MET | Meteorological |
METP | ICAO Meteorology Panel |
MFF | Mediterranean Free Flight Programme |
MID | Middle East |
MIFR | Master International Frequency Registration |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MLAT | Multilateration |
MMI | Man-Machine Interface |
MNC | Multi -National Corporations |
MNPS | Minimum Navigation Performance Specification |
MNT | Mach Number Technique |
MOC | Mean of Compliance |
MODE S | Mode Select Transponder |
Mode S PSG | Mode S Programme Steering Group |
MONA | Monitoring Aids |
MOPS | Minimum Operating Performance Standards |
MRT | Multi-Radar Tracking |
MRT-VU | Multi-Radar Tracking using Variable Update |
MRVA | Minimum Radar Vector Altitude |
MSAW | Minimum Safe Altitude Warning |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSSP | Mobile Satellite Service Provider |
MSE | Mean Square Error |
MSK | Minimum Shift Keying |
MSP | a) Mode S Specific Protocolb) Multi Sector Planning |
MSSR | Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar |
MTBA | Mean Time Between Alarm |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTBO | Mean Time Between Outage |
MTBW | Mean Time Between Warning |
MTCA | Medium Term Conflict Alert |
MTCD | Medium Term Conflict Detection |
MTD | Moving Target Detection |
MTN | MEGA Transport Network |
MTSAT | Multi-Functional Transport Satellite |
MTTR | Mean Time to Restore |
MU | Management Unit |
MWARA | Major World Air Route Area |
NA | Not Applicable |
NACK | Negative Acknowledgement |
NAD | North American Datum |
NADIN | National Airspace Data Interchange Network |
NASA | National Space Agency |
NAT | North Atlantic |
NAT ADSG | North Atlantic Automatic Dependent Surveillance Development Group |
NAT ATS | North Atlantic Air Traffic Services |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NATSPG ICAO | North Atlantic Systems Planning Group |
NAVAID | Navigational Aid |
NAVD | North American Vertical Datum |
NCA | North and Central America |
NCD | Network Capacity and Demand Management (an EEC Research Area) |
NDA | Next ATC Data Authority as authorised by the current ATC Data Authority |
NGRS | National Geodetic Reference System |
NGS | National Geodetic Survey |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NM | Nautical Mile, unit of distance (1852 metres) |
NMOC | Network Manager Operations Centre (EUROCONTROL, previously CFMU) |
NOPAC | North Pacific |
NOSS | Normal Operations Safety Survey |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
NPDU | Network Protocol Data Unit |
NSC | Network Service Centre |
NSDU | Network Service Data Unit |
NSP | ICAO Navigation Systems Panel |
NUAC | Nordic Upper Air Centre |
NUP II | North European Update Programme Phase II |
O.R. | Operational Requirement |
OAS | Oceanic Automation System |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic |
OCA | Oceanic Control Area |
OCM | Oceanic Clearance Message |
OCVM | Operational Concept Validation Methodology |
OCVSD | Operational Concept Validation Strategy Document |
ODAPS | Oceanic Display and Planning System |
ODF | Oceanic Development Facility (FAA Technical Centre) |
ODIAC | Operational development of Integrated Surveillance & Air/Ground Data Communications |
ODL | Oceanic Data Link |
OJT | On-The-Job-Training |
OJTI | On-The-Job-Training Instructor |
OLDI | On-line Data Interchange |
Op | Operational |
OP SUP | Operational Supervisor |
OPD | Optimized Profile Descents |
OPMT | Operations Planning Management Team |
OPS | a) Operationsb) Operational Services (an EEC Centre of Expertise) |
ORI | Orientation |
OSED | Operational Services and Environment Description |
OSI | a) Open System Interfaceb) Open Systems Interconnection |
OSST | FAA Oceanic Separation Standards Team |
OTC | Overseas Telecommunications Company |
PAC | Pacific |
PACOTS | Pacific Organized Track System |
PANS-ABC | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Abbreviations and Codes (ICAO Doc 8400) |
PANS-AERO | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aerodromes (ICAO Doc 9981) |
PANS-ATM | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Air Traffic Management(ICAO Doc 4444) |
PANS-RAC | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – RAC (now PANS-ATM) |
PANS-OPS | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (ICAO Doc 8168) |
PANS-TRG | Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Training (ICAO Doc 9868) |
PBN | Performance Based Navigation |
PC | Provisional Council |
PCA | Prior Co-ordination Airspace |
PCFL | Pre-cleared Flight Level |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation |
P-Code | Precision Code |
PCX | President and Chief Executive Officer |
PDC | Pre-Departure Clearance |
PDOP | Position Dilution of Precision |
PEDI | Planning, Education, Demonstration, and Implementation |
PER | Packed Encoding Rules |
PET | Pacific Engineering Trials |
PF | Position Fix Error |
PFE | Path Following Error |
PFL | Planned Flight Level |
PHARE | Programme for Harmonised ATM Research in EUROCONTROL |
PI | Performance Indicators |
PIAC | Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count |
PM | Policy Material |
POWG | Permanent Office Working Group |
PPL | Private Pilot Licence |
PPM | Provisional Policy Material |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service |
PRB | Performance Review Board |
PRC | Performance Review Commission |
PRN | Pseudorandom Number |
PRU | Performance Review Units (EUROCONTROL) |
PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar |
PSTN | Public Switched Telecommunications Network |
PTLP | ICAO Personnel Training and Licensing Panel |
PWP | Pilot Working Position |
QFE | Atmospheric Pressure at Aerodrome Elevations or at Runway Threshold |
QMS | Quality management systems |
QNH | Altimeter Sub-scale Setting to obtain Elevation when of the Ground |
QOS | Quality-Of-Service |
R&D | Research and Development |
R/T | a) Radio Transmissionb) Radio Telephony |
RA | Resolution Advisory |
RAD | Material relating to the provision of radar services |
RAN | Regional Air Navigation (Meeting) |
RCA | Reduced Co-ordination Airspace |
RCF | Radio Communication Failure |
RCMS | Route Conformance Monitoring System |
RDA | Route Deviation Alert |
RDARA | Regional and Domestic Air Route Area. |
RDE-FG | Radar Data Exchange – Focus Group |
RDF | Radar Data Function |
RDP | Radar Data Processing |
RDPC | Radar Data Processing Chain |
RDPS | Radar Data Processing System |
RDT&D | Research, Development, Trials and Demonstrations |
RE | Reserved Expansion Indicator |
RECAT | Recategorization (of aircraft for wake turbulence) |
REM | Rapid Eye Movement |
REP | Field Repetition Indicator |
RF | Radius to Fix (method of turn) |
RFG | Requirements Focus Group |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RGS | Remote Ground Station |
RHCP | Right-Hand-Circular Polarised |
RLAT | Reduced Lateral Separation Minima |
RLONG | Reduced Longitudinal Separation Minima |
RMM | Remote Maintenance Monitoring |
RNAV | Area Navigation |
RNAV Route | Area Navigation Route |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
RNP GM | Guidance Material for Required Navigation Performance |
RPA | Remotely Piloted Aircraft |
RPAS | Remotely Piloted Aircraft System |
RPASP | ICAO Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel |
RPL | Repetitive Flight-Plan |
RPV | Remotely Piloted Vehicle |
RRC | Range Rate Correction |
RSP | Required Surveillance Performance |
RSS | Root-sum-square |
RTA | Required Time of Arrival |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics |
RTCM | Radio Technical Commission for Maritime |
RTF | Radiotelephony |
RTS | Real-time Simulation |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minima |
RWEWP | Runway End Waypoint |
RWIWP | Runway Intercept Waypoint |
RWY | Runway |
RWSL | Runway Status Lights |
s | second, unit of time |
SA | a) Selective Availability b) Situational Awareness |
SAC | System Area Code |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAGE | The Safety Awareness Group at the EEC |
SAM | a) Safety Assessment Methodologyb) South America |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SARPs | Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO) |
SAS | Safety, Analysis, and Scientific (an EEC Centre of Expertise) |
SASP | ICAO Separation and Airspace Safety Panel |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication(s) |
SBC | Sub-Band Coding |
SBU | Separate Business Units |
SC | a) Special Committeeb) Standing Committee |
SCIA | Simultaneous Converging Instrument Approaches |
SDM | Sum Depth of Modulation (ILS) |
SDPS | Surveillance Data Processing System |
SEE | Society, Environment, Economics (an EEC Research Area) |
SELCAL | Selective Call |
SEP | Policy on Separation Standards |
SES | Single European Sky |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research |
SFM | Simulation Facility Management (an EEC Centre of Expertise) |
SG | Study Group |
SIC | System Identification Code |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Information |
SIMOPS | Simulation Operations |
SIRO | Simultaneous Intersecting Runway Operations |
SITA | Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques |
SITF | Study and Implementation Task Force |
SLM | Standard Length Message |
SLOP | Standard Lateral Offset Procedures |
SM | Scale Marker |
SMC | System Management and Communication |
SMF | Separation Monitoring Function |
SMGCS | Surface Movement Guidance and Control System |
SMP | ICAO Safety Management Panel |
SMR | Surface Movement Radar |
SMS | a) Safety Management Systemb) Surface Movement System |
SOIT | FAA Satellite Operations Implementation Team |
SP | a) Special Purpose Indicatorb) ICAO Surveillance Panel |
SPF | Strategic Performance Framework |
SPI | Special Position Identification |
SPO | Single Person Operations |
SPR | Safety and Performance Requirement |
SPS | Standard Positioning Service |
SPT | Strip Printer |
SRA | Strategic Research Agenda |
SRC EUROCONTROL | Safety Regulation Commission |
SRDP | Safety Research and Development Plan |
SRE | Slant Range Error |
SSC | Significant Safety Concern (ICAO USOAP CMA) |
SSP | Sector Safety and Productivity (an EEC Research Area) |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
SSRP | Strategic Safety Research Plan |
SSWG | System Support Working Group |
STAR | a) Standard Instrument Arrival (Route) b) Standard Arrival Route |
STC | Supplementary Type Certification |
STCA | Short Term Conflict Alert |
SUR-T | Surveillance Team (EATM) |
SVC | System View Cell |
S-VFR | Special-VFR |
SWIM | System-Wide Information Management |
TA mode | Traffic Advisory mode |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation |
TAG | Tactical Action Group |
TAS | True Airspeed |
TAWS | Terrain Awareness and Warning System |
TBA | To be Announced |
TCAS | a) Traffic Collision Avoidance System b) Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System |
TCH | Threshold Crossing Height |
TCP | Transport Control Protocol |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol |
TCWP | Threshold Crossing Waypoint |
TDLS | Tower Data Link System |
TDM | Track Definition Message |
TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar |
TEM | Threat and Error Management |
TIBA | Traffic Information Broadcast (by aircraft) |
TIS | Traffic Information Service |
TIS-B | Traffic Information Service Broadcast |
TL | Transition Level |
TLS | Target Level of Safety |
TMA | a) Terminal Control Area b) Terminal Manoeuvring Area |
TNAV | Time Navigation |
TOBT | Target Off Block Time |
TP | Turn Point |
TP4 | Transport Protocol Class 4 |
TPC | Technical Policy Coordinator |
TPDU | Transport Protocol Data Unit |
TPM | IFATCA Technical and Professional Manual |
TPSec | IFATCA Technical and Professional Secretary |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TRA | Temporary Reserved Area |
TRM | Team Resource Management |
TRS | Transmission message |
TSA | Temporary Segregated Area |
TSAP-ID | Transport Service Access Point Identifier |
TSE | Total System Error Generic |
TSO | Technical Standard Order |
TWDL | Two-Way Data Link Communication |
TWIP | Terminal Weather Information for Pilots |
TWP | Technical Work Programme of the Organisation in the Air Navigation Field |
TWPC | Two-Way Pilot Controller |
TWR | Aerodrome Control Tower |
UA | Unmanned Aircraft |
UAC | Upper Area Control Centre |
UAP | a) Upper Airspace Project b) User Application Profile |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft Systems |
UASAG | ICAO Unmanned Aerial Systems Advisory Group |
UAT | Universal Access Transmitter |
UAV | a) Uniform Annual Values b) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UCAR | Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft |
UCAV | Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle |
UDPP | User Driven Prioritization Process |
UDRE | User Differential Range Error |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
URA | User Range Accuracy |
UTC | Co-ordinated Universal Time |
UUP | Updated Airspace Use Plan |
VDEV | Vertical Deviation |
VDL | VHF Data Link |
VDOP | Vertical Dilution of Precision |
VDR | a) VHF Data Radio b) Validation Data Repository |
VDT | Video Display Terminal |
VDU | Visual Display Unit |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VGH | Validation Guideline Handbook |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range |
VP | Vertical Profile |
VPAE | Vertical Profile Angle Error |
VPF | Vertical Position Fix Error |
VPIP | Vertical Profile Intercept Point |
VSM | Vertical Separation Minimum |
VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio |
W/E | Warning/Error Condition |
W/P, WP | Waypoint |
WA | Wind Angle |
WADGNSS | Wide Area Differential GNSS |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WCM | World Class Manufacturers |
WG | Working Group |
WGS | World Geodetic Survey |
WGS-84 | World Geodetic System 84 |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WIP | Working Group for Runway Incursion Prevention |
WP | Working Paper |
WS | Wind Speed |
XTK | Cross-Track Distance |
Last Update: December 13, 2024
November 3, 2019 1935 Jean-Francois Lepage TPM