Knowledge Base Tag: 2002
- Collaborative Decision Making
- Review of 8.33 kHz Phraseology
- Description of A ‘Multi-Lateration’ Airport Ground System
- Environmental Issues in ATM
- The Use of Safety Nets in ATM
- Apron Management Services Provided by ATCOs
- Selection of Assessors
- Review Policy on Mode S – Operational Requirements
- Language Training for ATCOs
- Review of Policy on Surface Movement Radar
- Determining And Result Of Inadequate Staffing
- Review Issues Regarding ATC Systems Capability to Monitor Relevant Controller Intervention Buffer (CIB) Parameters
- The Use of Lateral Offsets
- Regulation in Air Traffic Management
- 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion
- Review of IFATCA Policy Concerning Helicopter Operations
- Use of Datalink in A Microwave Landing System
- RT Phraseology in Civil/Military Integration
- Team Resource Management
- Technical Aspects of Medium Term Conflict Detection
- Aviation Radio Frequency Spectrum Protection
- Aircraft Flying with ‘Due Regard’
- Air Traffic Control Separation Monitoring Tool (ASMT)