Knowledge Base Category: 2003
- 8.33 kHz Horizontal Expansion
- ADS-B Operations
- Air Traffic Control Separation Monitoring Tool (ASMT)
- Central European Air Traffic Services (CEATS) and the use of Functional Blocks of Airspace (FBA)
- Conditional Clearances
- Conflict Detection Tools
- Cooperative Separation – Transfer of Control Functions to Pilots
- IFATCA Vision Document – Update Human Factors
- Interactions ATC/ACAS
- Interpersonal Relation Skills of Assessors
- Investigation of the Nomenclature used in the Acronyms CIB & CIC
- Management of Mixed Mode Operations
- Monitor the Developments in the Operational use of ASAS
- Monitoring Developments in the FAA
- Monitoring Institutional Framework in ATM
- Monitoring the Evolution within PRICESG and English for ATCOs
- New ICAO Phraseology on Taxi Instructions
- Review of Policy on FANS-1/A
- Review of Policy on Ground Based Safety Nets
- Review of the IFATCA Vision Document
- Review policy of ACAS / TCAS
- Study Implementation of 8.33 kHz in Europe and Determine if any Problems Exist at the Europe-Africa Interface
- Study the Legal Aspects of the use of GNSS for Air Navigation
- Third Party Risk