Investigate Potential Applications of ADS-B

Investigate Potential Applications of ADS-B

45TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 27-31 March 2006 WP No. 86 Investigate Potential Applications of ADS-B Presented by TOC Introduction 1.1.  With the global evolution of Automatic Dependant Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) statements such as: “air traffic controllers this week began separating … Continued
Fatigue in ATC

Fatigue in ATC

27TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 26-29 April 1988 WP No. L004 Fatigue in ATC Introduction This paper is intended to examine the condition of fatigue in ATC, to identify the causes of this condition and to suggest ways … Continued
Responsibilities and Functions of Aerodrome Control with Regard to Surface Movements (Legal Aspects)

Responsibilities and Functions of Aerodrome Control with Regard to Surface Movements (Legal Aspects)

36TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Taipei, Taiwan, 17-21 March 1997 WP No. 163 Responsibilities and Functions of Aerodrome Control with Regard to Surface Movements (Legal Aspects) Introduction The subject of responsibility and functions of aerodrome control were properly outlined by a SC4 … Continued
Study Remote Towers Concept

Study Remote Towers Concept

53RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Gran Canaria, Spain, 5-9 May 2014 WP No. 92 Study Remote Towers Concept Presented by TOC Summary Technology has created the possibility to provide aerodrome control service from a location other than the aerodrome itself. This new … Continued
Sectorless ATM

Sectorless ATM

59TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Singapore, 30 March – 3 April 2020 WP No. 100 Sectorless ATM Presented by TOC   IMPORTANT NOTE: The IFATCA Annual Conference 2020 in Singapore was cancelled. The present working paper was never discussed at Conference by … Continued
TCAS and ACAS Procedures

TCAS and ACAS Procedures

34TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Jerusalem, Israel, 27-31 March 1995 WP No. 88 TCAS and ACAS Procedures Introduction This working paper will outline 3 additions to the current policy statement, as well as a revision to an existing policy statement, their necessity … Continued